Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Soldiers stand by while settlers harass Palestinian shepherds

Haaretz by Amira Hass -- A Border Police officer was caught on camera  this weekend near a West Bank village shaking hands with a masked Israeli settler, and then reportedly stood by while that man and his friends proceeded to harass a group of Palestinian cattle herders. The incident occurred after the officer and his comrades from the Border Police and the Israel Defense Forces barred the same Palestinian shepherds from herding their cattle on land belonging to their village Umm al-Amad, near Beit Amra. The group of Israelis -- which included two masked men --  arrived on foot from the settlement of Otniel shortly after the Palestinians were denied entry to the fields. Rather than blocking the Israelis' access to the land, as they had the Palestinians, one of the officers shook the hand of one of the masked men and then let the whole group cross the fields undisturbed.
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