Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Obama's approval rating slides

WASHINGTON — The latest Associated Press-GfK poll shows President Barack Obama’s approval has slipped to a new low despite the new health care law and signs of economic revival.

Just 49 per cent of people approve of the job Obama is doing, and only 44 per cent like how he has handled health care and the economy. Last September, Obama’s overall approval rating hit a low of 50 per cent. It then ticked up to 56 per cent but fell to 53 per cent last month.

The numbers are equally bad for congressional Democrats.

For the first time this year, about as many Americans approve of congressional Democrats as they do Republicans, 41 per cent to 38 per cent. Neither party has an edge when it comes to whom voters want controlling Congress.


  1. That is indeed looking grim TGIA,  what do oyu attribute it too? One of the statements (outside of the statistics) is partially true,  that the "economy" is picking up.  It is picking up if you are a Wall Street investor,  or perhaps in that top 1%.  The rest of it is business thinking it is going to take off without the people,  it cannot which will eventually cause it to snap and deliver the second downturn.  If I am wrong eventually I will admit it,  but if not - you heard it here first. 

  2. I'd better take your word for it v, not  living in the US personally  it's very hard for me to understand and feel the ambiance and I'm at loss  explaining why his popularity would be on the slide if the economy as you say is "picking up". ....But you know, polls are just snapshots of the moment or the mood at the moment. Maybe we read too much into them..

  3. This is bad news for the rest of us. He's going to have to bomb somebody to show he's made of the RIGHT stuff.

  4. Yes Jemmy this has proved in the past to be an effective way to make a sinking popularity "pick up" a bit, at least in the Israeli context..

  5. Here's something:
    12 Reasons Why Millions Of Americans Are Incredibly Angry About The State Of The U.S. Economy

    The Economic Collapse
    We have reached a very interesting turning point in American history.  More than at any other point in modern times, Americans are deeply angry about the state of the economy.  In fact, it is no stretch to say that millions of U.S. citizens are hopping mad about the economic situation.  Most of them don’t know exactly what is wrong, and even fewer of them have any idea about how to go about fixing things, but they do know one thing.  They know that they are mad.  As Americans, we were raised with the belief that our overwhelmingly powerful economic machine would always provide good jobs and prosperity for all of us as long as we worked hard.  But we have come to learn that is not true.  We have come to learn that our politicians and our leaders have squandered the great inheritance that our forefathers left for us.  We have come to learn that the financial future of our nation is beyond bleak.  We have come to learn that our government has piled up the biggest mountain of debt in the history of the world.  Now the foolish decisions of the past several decades are catching up with us.  The U.S. economy is experiencing structural failure, and the American people are angry.  They want answers.  They want someone to fix things.  They want things to go back to the way they used to be.

  6. We have to be careful about reading too much into one poll result. I just read another poll that said Obama would trounce any likely opponent he may face in 2012. There is a lot that can influence the results of any particular poll, including how a question is phrased. Also, a lot can happen between now and November of this year, when there's a congressional election, much less 2012. If the economy tanks, or there is a severe military setback in either war, it's hard to tell how the electorate will react.

  7. TGIA the "economy" is not seen as part of the peoples employment,  that is merely an non-connected contingency in the economic figures.  So what you have is more production because there are fewer people working,  but what are they producing for? The profit margins are the target of corporations,  the bottom line is seen as the "health" of the nation no matter what the condition of the people. However the beast can only feed on itself for so long,  and eventually it will implode with less and less consumption. 

    Interestingly,  the financial "gerus" say that this calls for retraining and new jobs - because things have "changed" so much that the economy needs new direction.  They would rather say anything except,  that it is falling in on itself and admit the failure of their capitalistic nightmare.  So the problems are always something else,  never the core of systemic failure.  Some say it is abuse and all that is needed is reform,  but the reform never holds even if it is created - it will always end with the peoples destruction.

  8. <span>TGIA the "economy" is not seen as part of the peoples employment,  that is merely an non-connected contingency in the economic figures.  So what you have is more production because there are fewer people working,  but what are they producing for? The profit margins are the target of corporations,  the bottom line is seen as the "health" of the nation no matter what the condition of the people. The profits go to the few,  the people are paid less for more production because of "hard times," so the "health" of the corporation in these terms is paramount even if it means the peoples demise.  However the beast can only feed on itself for so long,  and eventually it will implode with less and less consumption.   
    Interestingly,  the financial "gurus" say that this calls for retraining and new jobs - because things have "changed" so much that the economy needs new direction.  They would rather say anything except,  that it is falling in on itself and admit the failure of their capitalistic nightmare.  So the problems are always something else,  never the core of systemic failure.  Some say it is abuse and all that is needed is reform,  but the reform never holds even if it is created - it will always end with the peoples destruction.  The rich will retire to their gated communities and shut the gates of the people,  and the carnage will deepen until there is a revolt and the revolution is unleashed.
