Wednesday, April 14, 2010

International Attention Focused on Berkeley Divestment Vote

by Allie Bidwell

International attention will descend on the ASUC Senate meeting tonight as senators consider upholding the passage of a controversial bill urging the student government and the University of California to divest from two companies that have provided war supplies to the Israeli military.

In a recent letter to the UC Berkeley community, Tutu, who won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts opposing apartheid in South Africa-said he endorsed the bill and urged senators to uphold the original vote, which he compared to similar efforts at UC Berkeley to divest from South Africa in the 1980s. (Wikimedia)]Nobel Peace Prize winner Desmond Tutu. In a recent letter to the UC Berkeley community, Tutu, who won the 1984 Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts opposing apartheid in South Africa-said he endorsed the bill and urged senators to uphold the original vote, which he compared to similar efforts at UC Berkeley to divest from South Africa in the 1980s. (Wikimedia)
The bill names two companies-United Technologies and General Electric-as supplying Israel with the technology necessary to attack civilian populations in Lebanon, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank. The bill originally passed the senate March 17 by a 16-4 vote following about six hours of discussion. A two-thirds majority, or 14 votes, is needed in order to override the veto.
(Uprooted Palestinians)


  1. I will post what I said elsehwere -

    Personally, I find it simply amazing that even the slightest of divestment from companies that support the occupation would face a battle royal in the process. It is enough to convince you that the absolute heart of Israeli Zionism IS the occupation, and all they can do is feverishly try to protect the murderous settler colonial process.

    It reminds me of another battle, the parameters being that a child that was born deep in the occupied territories and these settlers wanted to have on the child’s birth certificate “born in Israel.” The legal battle raged for months, all I can say it that it is simply disgustingly amazing.

    P.S.  You're link does not work.

  2. Even if the defenders of war crimes win this round the world has been alerted to the links between these companies and the rogue state. Keep up the pressure.

  3. Thanks v. Fixed it.

  4. <span>Simply no other choice Jemmy..I can't even imagine what those people living under occupation are going through, especially now when deportation has become a child's play for Israel. Did you see the "new" Military order? It allowes them to throw out large chunks of the population as infiltrators..</span>

  5. Here:
    <span>New law could deport thousands of West Bank Palestinians</span>
    New legislation is due to go into effect on Tuesday granting the army authority to deport thousands of Palestinians from the West Bank to the Gaza Strip or Arab countries from which they originally hailed, even if they entered the area legally and have lived there for many years, Israeli human rights organizations warned Sunday.
