Monday, August 2, 2010

Pentagon: Cluster bombs are humane weapons

According to the Pentagon’s 2008 policy, cluster munitions are actually humane weapons. “Because future adversaries will likely use civilian shields for military targets – for example by locating a military target on the roof of an occupied building – use of unitary weapons could result in more civilian casualties and damage than cluster munitions,” the policy claims. “Blanket elimination of cluster munitions is therefore unacceptable due not only to negative military consequences but also due to potential negative consequences for civilians.” In other words, it’s better to use a cluster bomb on enemies using a building than to blow up the entire building.
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  1. Good to see the AACS blog still here and hammering away.  Man, a lot of time has passed since I've been here.  I would visit occasionally and noticed the roster change around a lot, and now it's just TGIA and Molly.  I oversaw with some bemusement as Yasmin and Molly went at it in their epic cat fight, but ultimately that was stupid.  I miss Moyhabin.  I hope he's well.

    Who was that one idiot that was always bragging about how wealthy he was?  I hope he's prepared for what's coming this fall.

  2. <span>Hey, Abe! Good to see you..Loooong time! Actually I'm the only one left to carry the flame and it's been quite tough at times.. 
    Moyhabin said that he'd be  traveling and didn't hear from him since..As for the "rich" guy, I'm not sure whom you're referring too but if it's the fleming fellow, well, he was kicked out for the ensemble of his "contributions" as he became more abusive to others by the day..Didn't take it well,I could understand..

  3. <span>"cluster munitions are actually humane weapons."</span>
    Sure they are. Ask the Innocent Lebanese farmers amongst others , who still are blown to pieces from 2006 IKF's clusters.
    Twisted logic at best.

  4. Well, I'm glad you carried the torch for us.  I can't say I necessarily miss the wars that we used to wage here, but it was valuable experience for taking the war outwards and into the greater public spehere.  I dare say we are now winning, and it's only a matter of time before zionism is defeated.  My prediction for Israel to be gone by 2025 has been bumped up by a few years.  Gaza 2009 was the primary turning point, and the Gaza Flotilla raid was casting fate in granite.  The end of Israel is nigh, and we made it happen.

    Anyway, if you see Moyhabin before I then please say hello.

    Oh, and as for phloeming, I enjoyed handing his ass to him on countless occasions.  It's what kept this fun.

    Israel gone before 2025!

  5. Fleming is still peddling his social darwinism/neo-connerie  on my blog. I think it salutary for people to know what the lunatics have in store for us if they ever take over the asylum.
    I'm thinking of renaming the blog "The Flem and Jem Knockabout Show".

  6. Hey Jemmy.

    What's the URL of your blog?  I think I'll mosey on over there and say hello to my old friend.

  7. Abe
    Jemmy's blog..
