Monday, August 23, 2010

Balancing act

A reader of this blog, Abu Zuhair, rightly drew my attention to the fact that many visit this site hoping to find an opportunity to comment on the Angry Arab's posts as the name of this blog suggests, as he felt that their very polemical and controversial nature lend to..He's right that we've been long adrift from the original idea of gathering around what Asa'd has provided originally..As much as I would like this blog to reflect my own interests and views, I'm facing the dilemma; either I change the name and keep making it a news source and infos or I stick to the original idea and transplant as many (interesting) posts from Angry as possible..I thought about it and felt that it doesn't have to be either and it can be both, as you can observe now more posts from Asa'd's..I thank this reader for his very interesting feedback.
As for the art that I occasionally post and which could look in the wrong place amid unrelated content of political and social nature I'd try to make it less intrusive if you feel that it is, by keeping such posts at a defined time, say Sundays when one needs to take a little break from it all..Same for music..What do you think?
(BTW, we've reached the number of 1800 visitors from 93 countries as the counter indicates)


  1. I'd try to make it less intrusive if you feel that it is,

    Not intrusive at all. I always learn something new from your art and music posts.

  2. <span>Not to mention that initially As'ad used to post art everyday before he started to be ridiculed for his choices and got rid of art..It's true that Mama Moses was too much to bear at times.. 
    In any case, I know you like the art posts vza, and I'll keep that for Sundays as an atheist's "prayer"..</span>

  3. <span>Off topic.  
    Some might've heard the results of the election dow under in Australia.  
    Well, it's a hung parliament (the new trend now) and so the balance of power fail upon just 3 independents neither Labour nor Liberal .  
    One of them is an unknown politician Andrew Wilkie, has already started questioning the war in Afghanistan .  
    <span><span>"ANDREW Wilkie has said the justification given by both parties for keeping Australian troops in Afghanistan is a "great lie"</span></span>  </span>
    <span>“And one of the great lies, one of the big lies of this federal election campaign – a lie told by both the Labor Party and the Liberal Party – is that we have to be there to fight terrorists for Australia’s national security.</span>  </span>

    I already like this fellow  :-D

  4. Let's hope he manages to hold that thought as the polical 'realists' go to work on him.

  5. i.e., polITical 'realists'.

  6. You blog, TG, your rules. You're pulling 'em in with few complaints, if any. You can relax.
    As a fully paid-up philistine I try to avoid comment on any arty stuff. Art is usually a subjective thing anyway (I think). When it gets beyond the personal it is labelled 'elitist' or 'kitsch'. I'm staying out of it.

  7. TG,

    Thank you for your kind response to my comment. Your hard work, which is greatly appreciated, keeps this blog going. I believe that the more you put of your personal beliefs and interests the more popular and the more beneficial this blog will become. If you don't have the time to comment on political posts, then please do so when it comes to the arts--it is after all your specialty (and first love I assume). And it would be wonderful if you can include posts on Arab arts and music.

    Having said this, I believe that Molly's idea of providing a space for people to comment on the Angry Arab was, and still is, a great idea. I might be alone in thinking this (as suggested by the fact that only one person addressed this post) but I hate to lose a public venue to challenge As'ad when he makes an outrageous statement. 

  8. "Arab arts and music.  " 
    TG ,Arabic Calligraphy which is probably your second love . 
    Lots but not all of As'ad posts deserve the space to be commented on. 

  9. "Let's hope he manages to hold that thought as the polical 'realists' go to work on him."  
    I'm not sure Jemmy,this man has a past .  
    In March 2003, Andrew Wilkie resigned from Australia's senior intelligence agency, ONA, in protest over the looming Iraq war. He was the only serving Intelligence Officer from the Coalition of the Willing - the US, UK and Australia - to do so. The dramatic move was reported throughout the world.  
    He also published a book "Axis of deceit " on the subject.  
    It'll be interesting to see how is this going to play out , in Australia the 2 major parties have their war mongering policy set in concrete.

  10. It's true that I should be posting more Arab art..I need to acquaint my self more with it as I've been living most of my life in the "West"..As for commenting on art I usually do but when I don't I assume that there's no more to say than what the picture says..but promise, I'll do..

  11. Yes VAA..I love calligraphy and as a kid I was contermplating becoming a calligrapher (among many other things of course, actor, artist and the Victor Hugo of my era, hehe..)

  12. Jemmy, I'd welcome your comments on art no matter how subjective thewy are..All comments on art even when done by "specialists" are subjective..To me it's either Vermeer or Velasquez to some other it's Mondrian or Damian Hirst(!) and that's fine..

  13. <span>"As for commenting on art I usually do but when I don't I assume that there's no more to say than what the picture says"</span>

    That's because you are an artist, TG. Don't be stingy with sharing your love with the readers. For example, I love Beethoven, but, since I'm illiterate when it comes to music, I don't know why his music touches me so deeply. I would love someone to explain to me something of the genius that lies behind Beethoven's magic.

  14. Point taken
