Sunday, August 22, 2010

The Angry Arab on the Ground Zero Mosque affair


  1. "I am personally against the construction of the mosque (just as I abhor the racist and bigoted reactions against it)"

    Finally a voice of reason!

  2. I heard another reasonable ojection to the mosque from a Lebanese neighbor of mine who said they don't need to spend $100 million on a building to pray in because it gets away from what a mosque is supposed to be for. I'm generally against any muscular display of power that any religion puts on and I think the money could be better spent-perhaps on a Nakba museum at the same location-that is needed more in this country than another ostentatious house of worship.
    ...But in the end, I don't have problem with the mosque. It just comes down to big city politics. There must be over a hundred ethnic communities in New York City, and they all want some kind of symbolic validation-and that usually comes down to a parade or a community center. There are enough fucking parades in New York already. At least with a mosque, you have a schedule to avoid high traffic times. I could see how it could be a problem if they wanted to build a monument to Osama bin Laden. But what they are saying with the mosque is. "Look at us, we are normal Americans too."

  3. Regardless of whether or not it will be a mosque or a cultural center with prayer space, it is two blocks away from Ground Zero.
    If it reopened as a Burlington Coat Factory, would we call it a Ground Zero Burlington Coat Factory? This  whole issue has been much ado about nothing.
