Wednesday, October 7, 2009

‘LA Times’ runs piece by investor in Occupation without disclosing his interest

"It is ironic that Mr. Gold, as president and CEO of Shamrock Holdings, oversees a major investment in Ahava Dead Sea Laboratories, a corporation that has its main manufacturing plant in the illegal settlement of Mitzpe Shalem in the Occupied Palestinian West Bank. Ahava illegally exploits captured resources of the Dead Sea shore in the Occupied West Bank for use in its products, a clear violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.. And to make matters worse, Ahava misleadingly labels those products as “ Made in Israel,” a practice that has been repeatedly decried by human rights groups such as Oxfam. Shamrock owns 18% of Ahava. Mr. Gold would sound a more persuasive note were he himself not benefiting so mightily from Israel’s continued disregard for human rights."


  1. The question you have to ask yourself is this - was this absence of the Palestinians a conscious act,  or unconscious?  It is dispicable if it was conscious,  and if unconscious it is just a testimony to how internalized the recism has become within individuals like this.

  2. <span>The question you have to ask yourself is this - was this absence of the Palestinians a conscious act,  or unconscious?  It is dispicable if it was conscious,  and if unconscious it is just a testimony to how internalized the recism has become within individuals like this.</span>

    Maybe he is hoping no one will notice,  Zionist left is just as bad as Zionist right.
