Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Wikileaks founder on MSNBC: We have more tapes, including killing of 97 civilians in Afghanistan, will release soon

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  1. From the video feed in this video, the 4th Bde, 1st Iraqi Police Division and MNF-I forces were involved in a gun battle with these militants on July 12, 2007.  The helicopter was called in to provide close air support or CAS.

  2. I was listening to this being discussed on the radio as I was driving home just now.  The radio host kept saying "the video is taken out of context".  Maybe so -- here is some context:  the US only attacks much weaker countries.  Imagine if Iraqis (or Afghanis or whoever is getting "lit up" in this video), were flying over head shooting at us.  Now that would be a real war, wouldn't it?  I just hate this kind of thing where someone can sit up in a helicopter or fighter jet and use remote control basically to kill just whoever happens to be on the ground.

  3. The context of the video:

    1. The shooters are thousands of miles from their home and the victims are walking around their own city.

    2. This war has been going on for eight years, and no matter how well they say it's going, there is really no end in sight. And as soon as we leave, things will go right back to how they were before.

    3. This is an example of the violence, and the casual attitude about violence, in American culture and that manifests itself both internally and in our relations with other countries. The guys talking in this video were just a few years older than the killers at Columbine and their actions and accompanying banter were similar. Although some people try to explain each bloody outburst as an isolated incident or an honest mistake(if committed by the government), the truth is that this homicidal mentality is out of control in America, and we have to come to terms with it.

  4. ...I wonder how people who make excuses for this type of thing would feel if there were Iranian or Russian helicopters flying around American cities shooting people they thought were committing crimes. Do you think they would be as patient and understanding as they are telling everyone to be?

  5. "... as soon as we leave, things will go right back to how they were before." (Joe)

    Permanent US Bases in Iraq (now there are fifty!)

  6. Jemmy:

    They can plan all the mega-bases they want, but we are still going to have to leave Iraq someday-and when we do, we won't have control over what goes on there-we don't even have control now. It's a ridiculous unwinnable war and I can't believe we've been in it so long. The mega-bases are a bunch of folly.
