Friday, April 2, 2010

Who's Afraid of a One-State Solution?

"The one-state solution has long had advocates among the Palestinian diaspora, from Edward Said to Ghada Karmi and Ali Abunimah. However, there has recently been an exponential rise in mainstream Israeli media of articles that seriously consider the one-state arrangement. Trawling through the online archives of mainstream media, I found just three such articles from 2004 to 2007, but 16 pieces from 2008 to 2010. A 5,000-word essay by former Jerusalem Deputy Mayor Meron Benvenisti, arguing that the binational state is all but inevitable at this stage, was published in January and still sits atop Haaretz's most read and most emailed articles. Now comes the latest installment: sociologist Yehouda Shenhav's book The Time of the Green Line (or, in its Hebrew title, Trapped by the Green Line), released in February by the impeccably mainstream Am Oved publishing house."
Foreign Policy


  1. You know everytime i read about this one state solution issue i wonder whether Paelstinians would like to live in Israel and not Palestinians and whether they would accept later on an Israeli passeport , an israeli Flag and an israeli citizenship and not Palestinian , this is what bothers me in the one state solution . 

  2. <span>fatima  
    I doubt the name whether Israel or Palestine is a major issue. The greatest hurdle is to persuade both parties that a one state solution is best for each party. The Israelis are going to be the toughest nut to crack than the Palestinians in terms of acceptance to live with other. They're such vile racists..But what the Palestinians have to gain is larger in scope and magnitude than the pride and the satisfaction of having finally their Palestinian flag or passport. It's their land and their country again, which they can call home. The refugees would be allowed back to their homeland. One can expand at length on the advantages gained from this . A good argumentation about the advantages can be found on Ilan Pappe's site. A debate with Avnery who's not in favor is very interesting.  
    “Two States or One State” A debate between Uri Avnery and Doctor Ilan Pappe  

