Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sources in US administration: Netanyahu can meet Obama only if he gives positive answers to his demands

During the nuclear conference opening in Washington next week, Pres. Obama is going to find time to meet privately with some of the attending leaders. Netanyahu, as of now, is not one of them.

The White House spokesman issued in his daily briefing yesterday the list of leaders with whom Obama is going to meet during the conference. In response to a question, Gibbs said Obama did not have a meeting with Netanyahu and added: “I do not know if he is coming. I know that Israel is attending the conference. In any case, the president has recently met Sarkozi, Medvedev and Netanyahu, and therefore he is not going to meet them during the conference.”

Obama’s meeting schedule includes the leaders of nine countries: Jordan, Armenia, Kazakhstan, China, Germany, India, Malaysia, Pakistan and South Africa.


  1. <span>Netanyahu has already announced he is not going to attend the conference.

  2. Nutty yahoo can enter the Whitehouse through the kitchen door only
