Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The settlers modus operandi to evict two more families from Sheikh Jarrah

"Now the settlers are attempting to remove two additional families living adjacent to a home already acquired by settler groups. In their demand, filed Tuesday with the Jerusalem Magistrate's Court, the settlers call for the Palestinians to "immediately clear the property... of all individuals and belongings." The settlers accused the Palestinians of "regularly disturbing and/or bothering and/or threatening their neighbors" as further basis for their removal. Nahalat Shimon also reaffirmed its commitment to building additional housing units for Jews in Sheikh Jarrah.

"This scandalous request offers a glimpse into the settlers' modus operandi," Avner Inbar, a regular participant in protests against the building plan, said Tuesday. "First they place Kahanist thugs in the heart of a Palestinian neighborhood, who threaten and abuse residents, then they turn to the courts and ask to have the Palestinians removed from their homes on the pretext that they are disturbing their Jewish neighbors."

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