Sunday, April 11, 2010

How the US government knew the Gitmo boys were mostly innocent all along

"What was that quaint idea of trusting government officials in a time of war?"

"Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld once declared that individuals captured by the US military in the aftermath of 9/11 and shipped off to the Guantanamo Bay prison facility represented the “worst of the worst.”

During a radio interview in June 2005, Rumsfeld said the detainees at Guantanamo, “all of whom were captured on a battlefield,” are “terrorists, trainers, bomb makers, recruiters, financiers, [Osama Bin Laden's] body guards, would-be suicide bombers, probably the 20th hijacker, 9/11 hijacker.”

“We’re learning a great deal of information about how al-Qaida operates, and able to stop other terrorist attacks,” he added.

But Rumsfeld knowingly lied, according to a former top Bush administration official."


  1. I have some real problems with Powell and Wilkerson crying foul after the events. Wilkerson's job was as Powell's right hand man. He vetted all of the intelligence. If he and Powell were so appalled by what was going on, why didn't they both resign and come forward to speak to the nation. The media would have been falling over themselves to give them the air time. Americans held Powell in extremely high esteem. If he had said things were not right, we would have listened! Neither one is a profile in courage.

  2. You are certainly right about that one vza.  Powell was also the one who told us during the Vietnam war that we were getting along famously with the Vietnamese.  

    Perhaps it is best that I post what I have said elsewhere about this subject (and a few times here also when some said I did not know what I was talking about) -

    In general I have scoured the reasoning behind this farce of collecting innocent people, and there is only one conclusion you can make – it was done to make it appear like we had legions with world wide terrorist connections that we were up against. Of course, this was never the case, but you have to give the appearance to “get your war on.” You “get your war on” for other purposes, which are never fully revealed but can be deduced by the activity.

    It is just like torture, I have still never heard any of my fellows ever go into the use of torture by rulers who serve an elite, they have never said a word about the elite use of torture. You hear a lot of talk about how you get the “wrong confession” or any confession, but all they speak about is that it is unreliable. There is never a discussion that torture is used so that the perpetrators can get the confession that “they want,” which is the elite use of torture. So they torture people and force them to the confession that they want – “there is a worldwide terrorist conspiracy, and we are going to get you.” You are supposed to have all sorts of people involved in the “terrorist conspiracy of worldwide proportions,” hence radii’s reference to 15 year old boys and 80 year old men – it is supposed to give you the impression that anyone and everyone is involved, that they are all worthy of horrible treatment and ultimately death, in the so-called terrorist conspiracy “around the world.”

    People better start recognizing and stopping these processes before they commence, otherwise you will not be prepared for the next “fire drill” that is supposed to prep you to fall in line behind the president draped in the flag. Until you recognize it and stop it, the wars and carnage will continue.

  3. Vza you are certainly right to make that judgment.  In fact,  even back during the Vietnam war in order to cover up massacre,  Powell said we were getting along famously with the Vietnamese.

    Perhaps I should just repeat what I have said elsewhere,  and numerous times here while people said I was full of it.  Now you know I was not making this up,  and have been saying this since 2005 (see my blog) -

    In general I have scoured the reasoning behind this farce of collecting innocent people, and there is only one conclusion you can make – it was done to make it appear like we had legions with world wide terrorist connections that we were up against. Of course, this was never the case, but you have to give the appearance to “get your war on.” You “get your war on” for other purposes, which are never fully revealed but can be deduced by the activity.

    It is just like torture, I have still never heard any of my fellows ever go into the use of torture by rulers who serve an elite, they have never said a word about the elite use of torture. You hear a lot of talk about how you get the “wrong confession” or any confession, but all they speak about is that it is unreliable. There is never a discussion that torture is used so that the perpetrators can get the confession that “they want,” which is the elite use of torture. So they torture people and force them to the confession that they want – “there is a worldwide terrorist conspiracy, and we are going to get you.” You are supposed to have all sorts of people involved in the “terrorist conspiracy of worldwide proportions,” hence radii’s reference to 15 year old boys and 80 year old men – it is supposed to give you the impression that anyone and everyone is involved, that they are all worthy of horrible treatment and ultimately death, in the so-called terrorist conspiracy “around the world.”

    People better start recognizing and stopping these processes before they commence, otherwise you will not be prepared for the next “fire drill” that is supposed to prep you to fall in line behind the president draped in the flag. Until you recognize it and stop it, the wars and carnage will continue.

  4. "... Rumsfeld knowingly lied ..." hold the front page!
