Friday, April 2, 2010

AIPAC: We make sure that pro-Israel candidates ‘take over’ government

Philip Weiss on Mondoweiss has a confronting post here

Ben Harris of JTA has a good video on the student outreach effort by AIPAC. He quotes Jonathan Kessler, longtime AIPAC operative and now leadership development director, on how and why AIPAC cultivates young people:

"Every future senator will pass through an American campus. Every future member of the House of Representatives will pass through an American campus. AIPAC’s job is to identify, engage and educate those individuals that are already self-defining and self-actualizing as campus political leaders… We simply have to find a way of identifying those most likely to emerge as America’s future policy makers, specifically foreign-policy makers…"

[So it is a conspiracy? Or just a network?]
How are we going to beat back the anti-Israel divestment resolution at Berkeley? We’re going to make sure that pro-Israel students take over the student government and reverse the vote. This is how AIPAC operates in our nation’s capital. This is how AIPAC must operate on our nation’s campuses.


  1. A comment on mondo:
    "Zionists have not only asserted their policy on the Americans, but have actively converted the Congress, the media and political actors into adopting their ideology of Israel First (in speech and recognition, if not in belief alone). The Zionists did not do this at gunpoint, as most political takeovers are of violent nature, but it was the result of their conditioning and purchasing of loyalties and support for their cause from the American political establishment. It is the most perfect exploitation of the loopholes democratic systems allow for granting disproportionate power. I remember when during the Lawfare conference, one attending neo-con speaker actually called on Obama to became Israel’s brand ambassador to the world and proclaim himself to be a Zionist in international appearances. Then we have Biden making it clear that anyone can enjoy the piece of the Israel First pie by becoming Zionists, and that being Jewish is not necessary for doing so. It’s a more entangled mess than any of its observers can conceive, because separating the foreign agents from the domestic players becomes impossible in face of such massive indoctrination of the American people, who are ready to be, like Weiss has said, more Catholic than the Pope himself on the issue of Israel."

  2. "... purchasing of loyalties", neat phrase, much nicer than corruption.
