Friday, August 7, 2009

Lying for the Lord – again!

"WHAT’S with Christian fundies and their addiction to lies?
Is it that, deep down, they know that Christianity hasn’t a factual leg to stand on, and that the only way they feel they can defend and perpetuate the religion is by adding to the foundation of lies on which it rests?
Here’s the latest example: A Florida fundamentalist group has decided to wage war on church-state separation in the US by posting ten billboard advertisements that send the message that:
America’s government was made only for people who are moral and religious.
The billboards highlight quotes from the US’s founding fathers that are misleading, false or taken out of context.
For example, one of the messages attributes this quote to George Washington:
It is impossible to rightly govern the world without God and the Bible.
Washington never ever said that!"
The Free Thinker
Not that I credit Muslim or Jewish fundies for that matter of any more virtue, mind you.. For example a friend told me that a detained Egyptian Christian blogger is bargained to turn to Islam for his release from Borg Al Arab prison...!I'm just trying to find a link to make a post.


  1. Most definitely loons, but until they do something that infringes upon my rights or the rights of others, I can simply ignore them. The Constitution, not some religious law, rules here.

  2. What happened to the pre-emptive doctrine ?
