Monday, August 17, 2009

On closer examination, there's very little evidence of election fraud in the recent Iranian election.

Ahmadinejad; duly elected president of Iran

“A Preliminary analysis of the voting figures in Iran’s 2009 presidential election” was released on the 21st June by the British think tank, Chatham House, and authored by Dr Ansari, an historian and professor of Iranians studies at St Andrews, who also serves as a consultant to the UK Government.
Al Jazeera


  1. TGIA, what are your views on the iranian election? Molly, Mara, others?

    I think there was widespread fraud. However, I don't deny that Ahmenijad could have gotten more than 50% of the vote. All I believe is that he didn't get the 63% reported.

  2. ... because Ahminajad is a BAD man. The US state department says so, and little Sir Echo says so.
    The Dalai Lama, on the other hand is a GOOD man. He may also be a CIA asset.
    Bal Thackeray, hmm, we want to say that he's a GOOD man, but we wait for a sign from Washington.
    Everyone who disagrees with the above is TAKFIRI, TAKFIRI, TAKFIRI (I love that word and will try to insert it into every posting).

  3. I really don't like it when you attack the Dalai Lama. I was just at a Tibetan temple yesterday, so maybe I am biased.

  4. Why should I have views? Can't I be just happy listening to those who know or pretend to know?

  5. Maybe the D.L is a good man. The problem is that he was hanging out with the wrong crowd at a very critical moment...

  6. Hey, I think Ahmedinejad has gotten a bad rap.  I don't mean he's a great guy; what I mean is he was thoroughly demonized and Americans who are critical-thinking impaired lap it up.  I mean, every now and then he would say things like that Africans have a right to their resources. instead they being ripped off by other countries and everyone else, and this is wrong.  Sorry, I can't recite when or where he said this, but I believe that is essentially what he said, let's say two or so years ago.

    What other politician says that kind of thing?  What AMERICAN politician would bother to actually say something in defense of Africa?

    Of course. he also said there were no gays in Iran, which would have been funny except that apparently to be gay and out is basically a death sentence (as in many places in the world).  So he has backward views mixed in with progressive ones.  But he stands up for Palestine and that will sink you for sure.

    How come no Saudi leaders are demonized in the same way?  What about Sarkozy, who referred to the black and North African immigrants in France as trash or vermin? 
