Thursday, August 20, 2009

Mapping the Arabic blogospere: politics, culture and dissent



  1. <p style="">Something interesting about the finding.
    <p style="">Terrorism: Terrorism is a bigger issue among Levantine/English Bridge and Syrian bloggers than others, where it is not a major issue. Across the map however, when discussing terrorism, Arab bloggers are overwhelmingly critical of violent extremists.
    <p style="">We consider this a positive finding, although qualified because the issue of attitudes toward terrorism hinge on the term’s interpretation across the Arab world. Whatever its presence in other, less ‘public’ online venues, overt support for violent global confrontation with the West appears to be exceedingly rare in blogs. However, it is not unusual to find blogs that criticize terrorists on the one hand, and praise Hamas or Hezbollah for violent ‘resistance’ to Israel on the other. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">This complex issue <span style="-webkit-text-decorations-in-effect: none;"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">merits additional research.</span></span></span>
    <p style="">It doesn't , Hamas or Hizboullah aren't considered to be terrorists in at least the Arab world , despite the persistence of the US.
    <p style=""> 

  2. The US made a big mistake by branding them as terrorists. They are fighting for their national interests within their own countries and are not launching any attacks outside their territory.
