Monday, April 2, 2012

A call to arms to defend the Bill of Rights

The US Supreme Court is the highest court in the land. But that supreme thing best describes how supremely stupid & dangerous they are. Today they ruled we can be strip searched for even minor offenses like not having a dog on a leash or not wearing a seat belt--just in case we’re stashing drugs or guns in our underwear.  Employers can now invade our privacy by checking our finances & demanding our FB passwords; police agents are prowling through our status updates for signs of insurgency & al-Qaeda connections; police use tear gas, truncheons, & rubber bullets on legal protestors without the fear of repercussions; & Obama is turning the Bill of Rights into confetti. Things are damn alarming & these actions are a call to arms for all who believe in democracy & civil liberties. It’s time to hit the pavement in the largest numbers possible-- especially since people like me don’t want to spend our senior years in the penitentiary. (Caricature by Dana Verkouteren)

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