Sunday, August 1, 2010

My most beloved and admired artist ever..A miracle called Vermeer


  1. Greater than Velázquez?
    My all-time favourite painting -

  2. Jemmy, I tried to avoid the "greater" superlative in favor of most beloved and admired as art appreciation is deeply subjective although I tend to think that Vermeer has never been equalled in any era or century..However, Velasquez is in my "trinity" who like the three mousquetiers, in fact four; Vermeer, Velasquez, Rembrandt and Caravaggio, in that order. As for my favorite painting ever they're actually two, "Girl with a pearl earring" and "Girl with a red hat" both by "god" himself Vermeer. They are works that are, IMHO, technically at least, ( but also spiritually) have never been matched. That isn't to say that this should be the case for every one as the question is as in music in the end it's a matter of profound connection and personal quest. Those two Vermeers are my holy grail. But careful with reproductions, they are rarely true to the originals..
    Talking about your favorite by the Douanier, I respect that at it touches to what is intimate to the "reader" of the work. Your strong response cannot and should not be argued but as far as I'm concerned I seek the ultimate unity of the technical and the meaningful or significant on a deep psychological or spiritual level. On that level, le douanier Rousseau leaves a bit thirsty..

  3. <span>On that level, le douanier Rousseau leaves a bit thirsty..</span>

    I meant on the technical level<span> le douanier Rousseau leaves me a bit thirsty..</span>

  4. <span>Vermeer is sublime...these are two of my favorites... The Geographer and The Guitar Player. I saw The Guitar Player at Kenwood House!</span>

  5. <span>Are you famiiar with this website, Tgia? Everything Vermeer!</span>

  6. No I'm not and I had a look, thanks.. Very well done and it looks like an exhaustive source..I bookmarked it. My only critique is in regards to the size of the works displayed. They're small!! I love full blown images as I'm interested in seeing details..Otherwise it's a treasure box..

  7. They're both great pictures especially the Geographer which is a complex image. The composition is masterly but that's hardly an original thing to say about Vermeer. In many ways it's similar to the Astronomer and the Painter in his Atelier..
