Friday, August 6, 2010

Scientists say it is 'just not true' that the vast majority of oil from the BP spill has gone

Gulf oil spill: White House accused of spinning report

Frame grab of a containment capping stack in the Gulf of Mexico
While the flow of oil into the Gulf of Mexico has been capped, experts claim up to 75% of it is still in the water. Photograph: Ho/REUTERS

The White House was accused today of spinning a government scientific report into the amount of oil left in the Gulf of Mexico from the BP spill which had officials declaring that the vast majority of the oil had been removed.

As BP workers finished pouring cement into the well as a first step to permanently sealing it today, environmental groups and scientists – including those working with government agencies to calculate the scale and effects of the spill – said White House officials had painted far too optimistic a picture of a report by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Agency (Noaa) into the fate of the oil.

"Recent reports seem to say that about 75% of the oil is taken care of and that is just not true," said John Kessler, of Texas A&M University, who led a National Science Foundation on-site study of the spill. "The fact is that 50% to 75% of the material that came out of the well is still in the water. It's just in a dissolved or dispersed form."

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1 comment:

  1. <span>The 2010 BP oil spill is absolutely 100% the fault of the Bush-Cheney administration.<span>  </span>It would have never happened if it wasn’t for the Bush-Cheney energy policy of 2001 and later </span>
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    <span>Oil companies persuaded the Bush-Cheney administration that expensive security precautions were not required. Most offshore oil rigs in other countries have a switch installed for shutting the flow of oil in an emergency by closing a valve located on the ocean floor.</span>
