Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Less posts, more art and music

It looks like having less posts in order to leave time for reading and following is what some have expressed an inclination for on this site in addition to increasing art and music posts..The people has spoken..Thanks for letting me know..


  1. Also, if you see an interesting science article, you can post it here. I always found them interesting. And maybe a few stories about how crazy religion is-Jesuses on potato chps, that kind of thing.

  2. Can we get some Lebanese sweets please, Ramadan is next week.
    For some reason I associate Ramadan ,Sweets and the screaming rumble of Israeli's  jets over Tripoli (Childhood's memories).

  3. Yes science..Of course..I used to post aplenty as you know..Thanks for the suggestions.. I will..

  4. Very sweet of you, vaa,  to make me feel like having some..I don't have any but some mraqqad will do...
