Monday, August 9, 2010

Israel criminelises BDS

According to the BNC(Boycott National Committee) Statement published on the 9th of July “after five years of BDS, the movement has proven, indisputably, to be the most effective and morally consistent form of solidarity with the people of Palestine in our struggle to end Israel’s occupation, apartheid, and persistent denial of the UN-sanctioned right of return for the Palestinian refugees.” With academic and trade Unions (including UNISON), cultural figures including Dustin Hoffman and Elvis Costello and large supermarket chains including Marks and Spencers on board, the BDS campaign is gaining momentum. Furthermore it is beginning to have an economic impact: settlements have been reporting cuts in production as a result of the boycotts.
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Israel is showing signs of distress. The non-violent boycott campaign has now joined the ranks of all other forms of Palestinian resistance, being awarded the label of ‘economic terrorism’ by Israeli officials. As is the standard response, alongside the highly effective (though no longer very novel) use of the T-word, Israel is remedying its anxiety with legal force: The prohibition on imposing a boycott bill, is the third in recent months which sets out to criminalise criticism of Israel.

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  1. Marks and Spencer? Are we sure about this? First I've heard of it. If M&S has joined the boycott that really would be something. They're one of the oldest and most loyal supporters of the zionist project. If Yahoo and gang have lost M&S anything could happen. All those Saturday mornings picketing our local M&S were not in vain.
    That said I'm still sceptical (skeptical if you prefer it).

  2. Yes Jemmy.I too doubt M&S support for BDS , here is a link with its name clearly stated:

    <span><span>Mother Company: MARKS and SPENSER</span></span><span><span>
    </span></span><span><span>Brands to Boycott:</span></span><span><span>
    </span></span><span><span>Marks & Spencers</span></span><span><span>
    </span></span><span><span>Types of Support:</span></span><span><span>
    </span></span><span><span>Israeli Products</span></span><span><span>
    </span></span><span><span>VIP supports Zionism</span></span><span><span>

  3. I'm so glad that <span>Dustin Hoffman is not one of "them" , i just like him.</span>
    And so relived that Apple isn't on the Dark side.

  4. Doing a search I found that M&S have agreed to ban goods produced in the occupied territories. Not a full-blooded boycott but still, for them, quite a step. They must be feeling the pinch. 
