Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Is boycott going viral in the music industry?

From the Forward:
Boycott Targets Stars From Elvis to Elton
By Nathan Guttman
"In reaction, a music industry insider confirmed that the winds could be shifting. The music executive, who spoke on condition of anonymity in light of his ongoing business ties with artists, said that in recent months he had approached more than 15 performing artists with proposals to give concerts in Israel. None had agreed. The contracts offered high levels of compensation. He called them “extreme, big numbers that could match any other gig.”"


  1. This disguises the effect of the boycott - we only hear of the people who agree to appear, then back down. How many more have refused point blank, but kept quiet to avoid the zionist backlash?
    I wonder how many artists are signed up for these tours by their agents, then have to find a way out.

  2. The true cause of the suffering in the middle east and Palestine is Britain. It was Britain who messed up the region 1918-1948. Britain managed to abuse and wrong both Palesitnians and Israelis simultaneously.

  3. The true what? What do you know of the truth, father of lies, lord of the flies?
