Monday, April 2, 2012

US-backed brutality in Bahrain

In Bilad al-Qadeem, Bahrain, (a suburb of the capital, Manama) a riot cop fires tear gas at protesters rallying to support jailed activists. The US-backed security forces in Bahrain have distinguished themselves by excessive & indiscriminate use of tear gas in residential areas, fired directly into homes, shot directly at people’s heads. Many have died from tear gas inhalation, including a 5-day old infant. Stun grenades & rubber bullets are also used against protestors causing many serious injuries which are treated at homes by volunteers because seeking treatment in public or private hospitals leads to interrogation, arrest, disappearance. Dozens of medical personnel have also been prosecuted or disappeared for treating injured protestors. The US & European media continue to report protests as conflict between Shiite Muslims & the Sunni monarchy--like it was a religious war and not a popular revolution against tyranny.  (Photo by Hamad I Mohammed/Reuter).

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