Monday, June 27, 2011

Cynthia McKinney US lawmakers forced to sign support of Israel

Former US lawmaker Cynthia McKinney says every candidate for Congress has to sign a pledge to vote for supporting the military superiority of Israel.

"Every candidate for Congress at that time had a pledge. They were given a pledge to sign ... that had Jerusalem as the capital city,"

"You make a commitment that you would vote to support the military superiority of Israel that the economic assistant that Israel wants that you would vote to provide that," she added.


  1. I'm not denying the truth of Ms. McKinney's allegation, it's certainly plausible. But if politicians have to sign a pledge then there's a stack of these documents somewhere bearing signatures that can be verified.
    I await further developments.

  2. JH -- good point.  The Lobby simply does not leave these kinds of trails behind.  As much as I liked McKinney's stands on many issues while she was in Congress her recent statements in Libya worry me.

  3. Jemmy, there's nothing new about this pledge to be signed by all aspiring congressmen/women. I've read about it many times. Some, retiring (because they wouldn't dare speaking out while in office or running) have already mentioned such pledge. I can't right now back it up with a link because it takes some time consuming search but I have already the opportunity to post it a couple of times.

  4. I also wondered when I watched the video, about the details of the pledge.  But, I don't think she made it up, and even if she did, does it change any of the basic facts of the grip that Israel/AIPAC has on the U.S. Gov't?  I like Cynthia McKinney.  I like to see a public figure with principles - it's rare.
