Saturday, October 24, 2009

Khalid Amayreh: Israel could do the unthinkable


  1. This is absolute rubbish.

  2. I see you are posting a lot of videos.  How about this one?

  3. Absolute rubbish, vza? I'm not so sure. What is the logical end to Israeli persecution of the palestinians? Expulsion, extinction ... ?
    "Animals that walk on their hind legs" (M.Begin). Most of us would treat animals far better. 

  4. The logical end will be either war or a negotiated settlement. The use of the image of Dachau by the maker of the video IS rubbish. If that is the unthinkable that Amyreh is alluding to, then he is full of it, too.

  5. No you are full of it vza,  I have said this thing many times as you know - where this escalation of violence is going,  where is it going? War my ass,  war with what? The imbalance of power is totally undeniable.  A negotiated settlement - where have you seen ANY progress in a negotiated settlement?  You still have you're damn selective outrage as you go "tsk tsk" every time more Palestinians die than before.  You are the one FULL of rubbish. Israel is going full bore into unchecked fascism,  what do you emerges from this condition?

  6. <span>No you are full of it vza,  I have said this thing many times as you know - where this escalation of violence is going,  where is it going? War my ass,  war with what? The imbalance of power is totally undeniable.  A negotiated settlement - where have you seen ANY progress in a negotiated settlement?  You still have you're damn selective outrage as you go "tsk tsk" every time more Palestinians die than before.  You are the one FULL of rubbish. Israel is going full bore into unchecked fascism,  what do you think emerges from this condition?  Are you going to go "tsk tsk" when half a million Palestinians are eventually killed,  than a million?

  7. As I said, rubbish.It is bad enough without wildly hyperbolic allusions to the Nazis. Unnecessary. No basis in fact or in truth. RUBBISH

  8. True, they're not the Nazis of old, vza..but coming more than 60 years later, the crimes they're commiting qualify them as modern day's Nazis..History doesn't repeat itself in the same way or manner but that doesn't mean it doesn't repeat itself.

  9. Explain yourself vza,  in light of the fact that all of the precursors of what happened in Nazi Germany is happening now to the Palestinians (and even more),  how it is "rubbish" that it will lead to the same conclusion.  Plenty of basis in fact,  you apparently have never read any Holocaust material - or,  you choose to blindly deny the similarities.  You denial is RUBBISH,  the only question there is is why do you take such a stance?  I know why,  even though you will croak rubbish again.

  10. Absolutely true TGIA,  not all fascism is the same,  but the acts follow the same pattern over and over again,  you do not need goose stepping to have fascism -

  11. Not all fascism has to have goose stepping,  but it does produce the same atrocities over and over again -

    And it is not getting any better under Obama
