Monday, October 26, 2009


Teach both evolution and creationism say 54% of Britons
More than half of British adults think that intelligent design and creationism should be taught alongside evolution in schoolscience lessons – a proportion higher than in the US.


  1. What a liberal, tolerant nation we are. Or is it that we are so dumbed down we'll believe any old cobblers? Not long ago there was a survey that showed that 7 million Brits (c.9%)believe the world is less than 10,000 years old.
    From Thatcher onwards governments have shaped our education system to produce unquestioning consumers, instead of thinking citizens. It would be interesting to have the responses to this survey broken down along age lines. I suspect the younger respondents would be more in favour of the reintroduction of a medieval syllabus.

  2. What is wrong with teaching both? What am I not getting?

  3. For one like you,  nothing. Spewing out falsehoods is second nature to you. The more lies, the more obfuscation, the more dissension the happier you are.
    Where's your retraction, reptile?

  4. <span>For one like you, nothing. Spewing out falsehoods is second nature to you. The more lies, the more obfuscation, the more dissension the happier you are. 
    Where's your retraction, reptile?</span>

  5. I can see it now,  a scientific description of minute detail regarding the origins of life - and than...however,  here is another possible scenario,  spontaneous generation!  LOL  :)

  6. <span>What is wrong with teaching both? What am I not getting?</span>
    Evolution is science and belongs in science classes. Creationism is belief system and belongs in special and optional classes of religious education.

  7. Evolution is no more a theory. It has been amply proven. Creationism is a collection of assumptions and hypothesis without any scientific methodology to confirm or infirm them.
