Thursday, October 29, 2009

Comedy Central: Interview with Mustafa Barghouti

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Exclusive - Anna Baltzer & Mustafa Barghouti Extended Interview Pt. 1
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Received this from "US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation":

For those of you who have viewed the interview with Barghouti and Baltzer, I am sure you, too,witnessed the heckler interrupting the show- and according to some
sources, this was the first time in 11 years that a heckler has
attempted to disrupt The Daily Show. As expected, the appearance of Barghouti and Baltzer was, and... still is, surrounded with controversy
and protests.It is important for all us to take a quick moment to let The Daily Show know there are thousands of us who support their decision to feature these two notable Palestinian peace activists. It doesn't have to be long, just a quick note: "Thank you for featuring Dr. Mustafa Barghouti and Anna Baltzer on your Oct. 28th
show. I appreciate The Daily Show's efforts to bring light to the
Israeli occupation of Palestine." The more detailed or personalized you can make it, the better.Thank you!


  1. Thanks for this. Why didn't you give a hat trip to Iraqi Mojo?

    Can you please join the discussion with Boojum?

  2. It was in my mail besides it was EVERYWHERE on Facebook this morning..Too many people to thank.
    Thanks to all who referred this interview to me..

  3. <span>??!</span>
    <span>It was already in my mail. Besides it is EVERYWHERE on Facebook this morning..Way too many people to thank. 
    In any case, thanks to all who referred this interview to me.</span>

  4. You probably haven't read what I posted under the video :

    "Received this from "US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation"

  5. <span>Can you please join the discussion with Boojum?</span>
    I already asnswered you on this.

  6. John Stewart often covers issues that are ignored by the mainstream media. It's ironic that the only place to hear about some serious stories is on the Comedy Network. It was a good interview, but they still have to have a Jew appear with him to show he is "safe", even though he is so concillitary. When will he have a Palestinian speaking totally for his people without help?

  7. Ah Joe,  this is an issue I dealt with a while back,  how they want no stand alone credibility for the Palestinians or actually anyone in the region.

    Quite frankly it is that you are supposed to agree with the assumption (”you can’t trust [THESE] witnesses”), because “we know how those “others act.” I mean, who are you going to believe? Are you going to believe people who are “like you and me,” or are you going to believe these liars and savages? He does not come out on the carpet saying this blatantly, but he implies this deep current.
    What is the deep current? That you cannot trust these people because of who they are, they are not trustworthy – even if their testimony reflects the evidence. I mean, we do not even trust them in regard to their own intellectuals, and certainly not their own version of history – they have no voice (of course, we cannot admit we give them no access to our media and literally silence them), we have to speak for them, we have to give you the “real scoop” on who they are, where they come from and what they have done. In the USA and elsewhere this is brought to the form of a skewed science, especially about those people we subvert, exploit, and invade.

    We are all supposed to “know” (because of what we have been repeatedly fed, in regard to this population and others of this region and elsewhere) – they are totally other. They do not love their children like we do, do not have the same aspirations or goals, they are religious fanatics and Muslim antisemitic’s, they are a backwards people, and are not capable of communicating what “really happened.”

    We have “ME experts” that tell us what is really going on, indeed, we have entire tomes which explain to us the “otherness” of these backward savages. I mean, you have to keep that Euro/American history together and central, we cannot trust them to tell their story. That is what – “…you can’t trust witnesses to atrocities to report them honestly,” really means – it plays upon an entire tradition about “those Palestinians – those Arabs (or anyone else that is not a freeze dried Euro-American).”

  8. I tried to sign on to the daily show forum so I could say "good on you, Jon Stewart" but couldn't get a response.  Maybe too much traffic on the site?

    Looking at the posts on the forum though, clearly the pro-Palestinian, or should I say pro-justice side has a lot of support.

  9. Yes Ann,  I have to be frank - I believe that this was also an end run around J Street,  which is just Zionism lite.  This act was definitely historical,  even with some of Jon's unfactual equivocations - he did a good thing.

  10. Know why Barghouti is brilliant? He is a grandfather type lovable figure. It is hard for Likudniks to tear into him. Clearly Barghouti is a friend to the Israelis and believes that only justice for Palestinians can lead to peace, freedom, safety and justice for Israelis. When Israelis see him, they think . . . the Palestinians aren't out to kill me; if I give the Palestinians justice . . . it will be okay. Barghouti has a way of softly invoking the concience of those who listen to him. This is the best way. Let people feel uneasy and guilty inside, and let them figure out how to end that feeling. Let them realize on their own that doing right by the Palestinians is good for Israelis, and everyone else. Let it be <span style="text-decoration: underline;">their</span> idea.

  11. Clearly Barghouti is a friend to the Israelis and believes that only justice for Palestinians can lead to peace, freedom, safety and justice for Israelis.
    So it's all about the Israelis isn't it?

  12. Its about both Israelis and Palestinians (and everyone else.)

    Israelis cannot succeed unless the Palestinians do, and vica versa. Barghouti makes the case to Israelis that doing right by Palestinians benefits Israel. Isn't this true?

  13. Al salam 3alaikum ya ikhwan :)    

    tgia, aghati, I'm glad this is all over facebook as you said.  America is changing, it seems.   Among young Americans, the Daily Show is more credible than FOX News!  

    Also I would like to offer a suggestion, with respect of course.  When you quote another commenter, always insert the quotation marks (") on either side of the quote.  Otherwise people might be confused, like Aton apparently was on my blog.  

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Boojum wrote

    "Arab university poll: 57% support 'armed operations' inside Israel"

    Do Palestinians support terrorist attacks against civilians? I think most Palestinians oppose terrorism. Could some of you dig out some polls to demonstrate this?

  15. <span>  When you quote another commenter, always insert the quotation marks (") on either side of the quote.</span>

    <span></span>Mojo.. I see what you mean but really it isn't rocket science..I quoted Maury and put his name underneath it. Not only that,, I separated what he said from my comment by a line..The guy is simply not very bright..

  16. V, what do you mean and end run around J street?
