Monday, April 30, 2012
International Roma Day celebrated with mass, forcible evictions
(Reuters photo)
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Kony 2012 is another name for war propaganda
Kony 2012 is another name for boloney 101. It’s a war-mongering scam appealing to people’s compassion & social conscience but relying on widespread ignorance of Africa, it’s people, & it’s politics. The dead giveaway is the tone of the campaign: hysterical urgency. The film maker thought he would revive a moribund film career on the backs of the people of Uganda by combining war propaganda with cinematic devices of melodrama.
Anyone who grew up in the McCarthy era is well familiar with the hysterical method since we were taught communists used mind control & put fluoride in the water to corrupt the morals of youth--at the same time as we were asked to give pennies for the “poor pagan babies of Africa”. Media uses the hysterical voice selectively so as not to wear out its value. It’s primary purpose is to whip up war fever & convince thousands of kids to enlist in the military to take out an evil, monstrous tyrant--under the guise of making the world safe for democracy. (It first struck a discordant note with me when the US was drumming up support for Israel in the 1967 war. It was so overplayed that a political naif could recognize the manipulation & sought out the truth behind the hysteria.)
Media also used the hysterical voice against women’s liberation when they baited feminists as lesbians too ugly to get a man; they used it against Black power activists, portraying them as armed & violent thugs rather than freedom fighters & they continue to use it against Black youth, portraying them as violent gang members engaged in drug dealing--using hysteria to railroad them into prison. The hysterical voice--used to sell salacious gossip in tabloid journalism & to sell war, racism, & misogyny in respectable journalism--has been given a new lease on life through the rapid-fire nature of social networking.
The Kony 2012 campaign is not about Joseph Kony & the Lord’s Resistance Army. By reliable accounts, Kony is no longer even operative in Uganda. It’s about promoting US war designs in Africa under the banner of humanitarianism. It’s about the US-NATO war in Libya, US drones bombing in Somalia, & US Marines deployed in Uganda. In short, it’s about US military intervention & occupation in Africa. And it’s about competition for Africa’s abundant natural resources being played out in the entire region of east Africa between the US, China, European, & other countries.
Why haven’t the humanitarian war-mongers--the celebrities, athletes & billionaires the film maker appeals to--ever spoken out against US wars in Iraq & Afghanistan? Why haven’t they denounced US bombing in Pakistan, Yemen, Somalia? Why have we never heard Clooney, Jolie, DeGeneres, Oprah, & this schmo, Jason Russell ever speak out about the plight of millions of Iraqi & Afghani refugees? Why do their tender hearts & indignation only beat in sync with US militarism & the Pentagon? And if US & UN concerns are humanitarian, why haven’t they been able to get food to millions of starving people all over the entire region of east Africa? Because believe me, they will have no problem moving in entire armies, or erecting air strips & military bases. Kony 2012 & Invisible Children may be a commercial bonanza in hoodies & posters but it is nothing but a war-mongering scam appealing to the best in people in order to make a handful of people rich at the expense of the people of Uganda. US out of Africa. (Photo of children of Uganda by Sue O’Connor)
Please sign this petition for animal welfare
https://www.change.org/petitions/president-of-indonesia-close-surabaya-zoo (Photo of Kliwon taken the morning of his death by Juni Kriswanto/AFP)
When will we finally be done with feudalism?
For sheer sycophancy, you cannot beat this US media report on the first anniversary of WWWWilly & KKKKaty Windsor’s marriage. One expects the ignominious royal watchers of England to drool like this; they’re either unfortunate souls bred to servility or the illegitimate offspring of moochocrats. But in the US, we’re taught the great French Revolution of “liberty, fraternity, equality” as our heritage. Our national folklore is full of funny looking guys with puffed out chests who stood up to George III (the feudal guys didn’t have last names then since they all had the same parents). Is that all just malarkey? Are we going to have to learn to scrape & bow again or is there another round in the American Revolution to give feudalism the final heave-ho? Here WWWWilly & KKKKaty hide their tiaras under cowboy hats in one of those saccharine photo ops that have come to distinguish their brief tenure. (Photo by Samir Hussein)
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Marquis de Strauss-Kahn
Separated at birth
Smoke breaks out at protest
Justice denied by US deals
Homeless in Manila
Friday, April 27, 2012
No to US military presence
Afghan child
An Afghan girl with her sheep, outside the city of Herat.
(Incidentally, the Wikipedia entry about Herat is worth reading & shows what a rich culture Afghanistan has: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herat) {Photo by Aref Karimi/AFP}
Housing is a human right
Money for housing, not for war!
Testimony to the power of one
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Israeli police to activist reciting names of destroyed Palestinian villages: If you keep reading you will be arrested

An Israeli activist being arrested at an event to commemorate the Nakba on
Israeli Independence Day. His weapon? A history book. (Photo: Activestills)
(For video and more pictures of this event see this post)
MondoweissThe first text message I received around 22:30 read "The cops have surrounded the building, It's quite likely that everybody will be arrested once we try to get out of the door. Alert everybody." The message was sent by a friend of mine, who along with 14 other activists came to the offices of Zochrot (remembering), an Israeli NGO that focuses on commemorating and raising awareness to the Palestinian Nakba, on the eve of the Israeli independence day. They were planning to go out to the street and remind the celebrators the horrible price that was paid and is still being paid by Palestinians for this so called independence.
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Is that you, Bill?
Don't mess with India's dairy farmers
Trumped in effigy
Take a moment to sign this petition demanding justice for the people of Bhopal
(Photo by Alex Masi) {This repost from last month is to urge people to sign the petition}
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
A "middle class" bedroom
Beauty & bucks
Where rebels are born & bred
Paul Krugman, New York Times columnist and Nobel prize winner: ‘Israeli government policies are a form of national suicide’
Writing in his New York Times blog “Conscience of a Liberal” about Peter Beinart’s controversial book “The Crisis of Zionism”, Krugman writes, “Like many liberal American Jews I basically avoid thinking about where Israel is going. It seems obvious from here that the narrow-minded policies of the current government are basically a gradual, long-run form of national suicide – and that’s bad for Jews everywhere, not to mention the world.”
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Two years homeless & counting
A boy's life
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Today as yesterday; a nation built on theft

2012: Israeli MKs relax on sofa of evicted Palestinian family in Beit Hanina, East Jerusalem.
Knesset members celebrate latest E. Jerusalem settlement by posing on evicted Palestinian family’s sofa

Knesset members Michael Ben-Ari (left) and Aryeh Eldad on the evicted Natcheh family's sofa in Beit Hanina. (Photo: Michael Ben-Ari)
Following last week's eviction of the Palestinian Natcheh family from their Beit Hanina home, Israeli Knesset members Michael Ben-Ari and Aryeh Eldad visited the house now inhabited by some eight settlers. To mark the occasion they posted a picture of themselves lounging on the Natcheh's sofa on Facebook.
Meanwhile, the evicted family:
Watch what you eat or it may eat your brain
The modern David vs. Goliath
Strength in unity as Afghan women see it
“Strength in Unity” as Afghan women see it: armed to the teeth with AK-47s & the US-NATO on the run. (Photo by Pahktun)
"Strength in Unity" as US-NATO see it
Another day, another dozen lies about Afghanistan
US-NATO propagandist-liars portray the Afghanistan war as a military crusade led by Clinton to emancipate women through bombing. This photo, worth a thousand lies, belies that despicable deceit by exposing not the barbarous but the grinding humiliations of racist occupation. The entirely male leadership of US-NATO forces (ISAF) corralled Afghan women (undoubtedly many relatives of colluding Afghan officials) to a “Strength in Unity” conference in Kabul yesterday. There are no media reports on the content of this gathering because that would open it up to ridicule. Female US soldiers guarding the perimeters of the conference with rifles feign respect for the hijab by mocking it & manage to degrade democracy at the same time. Did the Afghan women being lectured by men about women’s rights & the problems with their culture get a rifle in their face if they got up to pee or raised a hand to ask a question or tell the conference to stuff it, or get up to leave? Or did they just snooze through the whole damn thing? If the US soldiers could have understood a word of the lecture, they would wonder why Afghan culture is being raked for the very problems they face in the US military. We don’t have to just cringe in solidarity with the Afghan women; we can join with others in demanding the immediate, unconditional withdrawal of all US-NATO troops from Afghanistan. (Photo by Musadeq Sadeq/AP)
Monday, April 23, 2012
Revolution is for rebels & sometimes they're old
Egypt cancels Israeli gas contract

Egypt has cancelled a 20-year contract to supply Israel with natural gas in a move interpreted as a sign of increasingly fragile relations between the allies.
Both Egyptian and Israeli officials said the reason for the termination of the deal, which was signed in 2005 and provided 40% of Israel's natural gas, was a dispute over payments between private companies. But the governments were trying to prevent it escalating into a political crisis.
What's going on around here?
Their mamas taught them well
Monsieur Psychozy at the polls
Monsieur Psychozy leaving the polling booth after voting for himself in the French presidential elections. He has that same repugnant grimace as Mitt Rummey which serves them both in place of a smile & evokes a homicidal impulse in the kindest of souls. Le Monde reports there are pious nuns in one French monastery who have to be medicated to resist the impulse to pummel him to death. Mon dieu, but let 'em at him! (Photo by Eric Feferberg/AP)
Buttering up the judges
’60 Minutes’ profiles Palestinian Christians, Michael Oren (Israeli ambassador) falls on his face
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Homelessness & poverty are now felonies
The two Coachellas 2012
Iran says recovered data from US spy drone
Similar unmanned surveillance planes have been used in Afghanistan for years and kept watch on bin Laden's compound in Pakistan. But US officials have said little about the history of the particular aircraft now in Iran's possession.
Palestinian women take back spring as settlers, soldiers look on
For the first time in years, a group of Palestinian women was able to reach the Nabi Saleh spring, which was taken over long ago by settlers. The women vowed to return, hoping to hold on to the spring.
Every Friday for the past three years or so, Nabi Saleh residents, along with Israeli and international supporters, have been demonstrating against the theft of their lands by settlers from the nearby settlement of Halamish. At the focus of the struggle is the attempt to reach the Al-Kous spring, which was taken over by settlers in recent years. Week after week, demonstrators march toward the spring, but are stopped by soldiers who disperse them with tear gas (sometimes aimed directly at protestors and once resulting on the death of a Nabi Saleh resident) with “skunk” water, severe beatings, arrests and more.
On Sunday, for the first time in years, a group of roughly 30 Palestinian women was able to make it to the spring. The group was made up of local women, who were joined by activists from other villages, and supporters from Ramallah and Jerusalem. Soldiers and settlers who arrived at the scene did not stop the women from picnicking around the spring. After a few hours, the group left, vowing to return.
“The point of this direct action was to reclaim what the settlers have stolen from us,” says Irene Nasser, one of the activists. “Many of us were very excited about being able to reach this beautiful place, after dozens of demonstrations during which we were barred from going there. The uniqueness of the action was also in that it was about women taking the popular struggle into their own hands and leading it together.”
Nasser believes that the soldiers did not react this time both due to the fact that they were facing a women-only group, and as a result of the Shalom Eisner story – in which an officer was caught on video beating a Danish peace activist – and the trauma it caused in the army’s ranks. In the coming weeks, the women plan to organize more direct actions, both in Nabi Saleh and elsewhere, in order to both challenge the army and empower the women taking part in the struggle.
Sunday, April 22, 2012
A gated community for the poor
Bread & circus media-syle
Betty Windsor toilet paper
Saturday, April 21, 2012
New video shows shamed IDF goon struck several activists without clear provocation.
According to a statement, which was attached to the Palestinian television clip, by B’Tselem, Eisner is seen striking five different pro-Palestinian protesters in last Saturday’s incident.
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In addition, and in an apparent contrast to Eisner’s own contention, there seem to be no signs of violence from the protesters toward IDF troops in general, or Eisner in particular.
On Wednesday, Gantz chose to dismiss Eisner, who was filmed over the weekend hitting a Danish protester with his rifle butt in the Jordan Valley after the recommendations of GOC Central Command Nitzan Alon and Sami Turgeman, commander of the IDF’s ground forces, on the grounds that the attack was a “moral failure.”
Gantz said that an investigation into the incident revealed operational failures in the preparation of IDF soldiers for the protest bike ride in which the activist took part as well as in the soldiers’ handling of the confrontation that erupted.
Eisner, who was due to receive the rank of colonel, will be transferred to a senior staff position and will be barred from carrying out any command position in the IDF in the next two years. As of 2014, Einser will be able to return to a command position, should he fulfill the necessary requirements.