Friday, June 12, 2009


I discovered that one of my "friends" on Facebook is a member of the infamous JDL, the "Jewish Defense League", a far right, fascistic bunch of ultra violent Zionist thugs, banned in most countries, who has committed some of the worst violent and gratuitous attacks against the pro Palestinian groups in Europe and the US!!! Their initials appear on the infamous "Gas the Arabs" slogans tagged in public places in the occupied territories! The dude is also a supporter/fan of Eitan Behar, an ultra Nationalistic, far right(again!) Zionist gangster!!! Horrified, I send him a message to tell him what I thought and he responded, guess what?!! We're all one god's children!!!That he loves Jews, Arabs, Muslims and all! He added that he was trying to change them from the interior!!!....So, naive, liar or just plain stupid?


  1. Wingnutia:The Big Hate
    Today, as in the early years of the Clinton administration but to an even greater extent, right-wing extremism is being systematically fed by the conservative media and political establishment.

  2. I was reading this 5 min ago and was wandering if I should post it!!!!

  3. I am now!

  4. Wondering not wandering!!(Though I were a bit!)

  5. TGIA, many Israelis are good people who have almost no idea what is happening to the Palestinians in the occupied territories. The Palestinians are out of sight, out of mind. Worse, many Israelis think that the Palestinians they know (upwardly mobile educted Israeli Palestinians) are representative of Palestinians from the occupied territories.
    TGIA, Palestinians and the friends of Palestine need to educate Israelis. Unless the Israelis understand, the Israelis cannot adjust . . . and the Palestinian versus Israel conflict may never end.

  6. cruelnastyandabsurdJune 12, 2009 at 1:25 PM

    " Gas the Arabs" ?
    In Lebanon,and Gaza the IDF timidly picked off a few fighters
    who have perfected the art of hiding behind civilians.
    Results about 2,000 & 1,500 total dead per conflict.
    Compare that, dear Paliphiles, with Saddam's total war against the Shia,and Kurds with HUNDREDS of thousands murdered ; Imagine for a momemt the result if the IDF gave the Palis what Saddam did to the Kurds.
    Don't you feel lucky now that the Jews are your oppressors ?

  7. Is this a reply to my comment? I was talking about the JDL! Enter 'the Jewish Defense league' in google and see for yourself.
    Again, if the Israelis are that illinformed as you're saying then their press and media are crap and covering things up. Not a glorious feat from the "only democracy in the ME".

  8. And just to finish, you don't have to feel obligated to defend Israel and the Israelis every time I post about them. First because you don't know them as much as many here do (me included) and second because it makes me feel sick so early in the morning!!!

  9. Anand must have some big investments in that piece of shit national security state that Israel is helping India to build

  10. Anand must have some big investments in that piece of shit national security state that Israel is helping India build

  11. cruelnastyandabsurdJune 12, 2009 at 9:19 PM

    oh,oh ! Looks like I've hurt someones feeelings again !
    Unwanted facts are as hurtful as thumbscrews
    On Echo Chamber Island.
    Our mutual aquaintance,mit, feels your pain,
    And he doesn't enjoy it as much as I do.
    And if adding an American Jingo to the group is too much,
    You can always use him to scare the children into eating all their Marxism.

  12. TGIA, Palestinians and the friends of Palestine need to educate Israelis. Unless the Israelis understand, the Israelis cannot adjust . . . and the Palestinian versus Israel conflict may never end.
    They know exactly what's going on...They KNOW!!!!!!

  13. I thought Eitan Behar was an Israeli football* team.
    *Uneducated people call it "soccer".

  14. I thought Eitan Behar was an Israeli football team with a racist* support base.
    *Explanatory note for Anand: nice Israeli people who occasionally murder Arabs.

  15. TGIA, many educated, successful and prosperous Americans rarely read the news (aside from the business and sports sections.) Many educated and prosperous Israelis are the same way. They don't know. No one told them.
    I would agree that the US media is pretty bad . . . it mostly covers Britney Spears, Oprah, Hannah Montanah, Brad Pitt, and other gossip news. Detailed analysis or reporting on global trends . . . economic, business and political, are rarely covered. I imagine that the Israeli press, and most other press from almost every country is much the same way.

  16. V, what country in the world is not "a national security state"? Please name at least one country.
