Saturday, April 11, 2009

For Molly with love... ha ha

All this got documented by CPT: Christian Peacekeeping Team


  1. Yasmina, pls make your sadness into anger and come back posting here. We need a variety of depressing news here about the economy and Palestine.

  2. I was talking about American Zionists, not Israelis.

  3. Give her a day or two to be by herself. She will come back with a vengeance.

  4. Closed Zone

  5. Vza, great video! Never seen that before, is that the person that did Waltz with Bashir?

  6. Thanks. The video was created by Yoni Goodman, director of animation for the film, Waltz with Bashir.

  7. The right in Israel shoots and laughs the left shoots and cries.


    Howard Jacobson is one of the most high-profile Jewish authors in Britain, having written numerous critically-acclaimed and successful comic novels. He also writes a weekly column in the liberal-leaning The Independent and in recent times has used it to vociferously attack the growing boycott of Israel. His column on 1 September, "There seems to be a pecking order among the dispossessed, and Jews come last," was a fine example of the twin track approach of the liberal Zionist, combining moral remorse with unhampered support for ethnic cleansing.[1]

    Soft-pedaling Israeli colonialism is nothing new -- as Israeli historian Ilan Pappe has noted, in 1948 a number of Zionist politicians condemned some isolated incidents among the widespread atrocities being perpetrated against the Palestinians. This, according to Pappe, was an attempt "by 'sensitive' Jewish politicians and soldiers to absolve their consciences," an "Israeli ethos that can best be described as 'shoot and cry.'"[2] Jacobson's angst drew such a response in the letters' page that the writer felt compelled to pen another, rambling defense of his defense of Zionism, "When I argue on the side of Zionism, it is because it seems intellectually right to do so."[3]
