Friday, July 10, 2009

Mourn on the 4th of July

John Pilger for the Newstatesman
"Liberals say that the United States is once again a “nation of moral ideals”, but behind the façade little has changed. With his government of warmongers, Wall Street cronies and polluters from the Bush and Clinton eras, Barack Obama is merely upholding the myths of a divine America"
Yes fleming ..Finally you can lash out at Pilger and insult "mullah tgia"! But could you at least respect my rank and call me RAHATULLAH tgia? Please!


  1. Well we will see, Mullah TGIA.  

    As you desired, I am cowed.  Your banning has taught me the value of not being true to my beliefs.  Afterall, I must be fearful that I will offend you and be prohibited from commenting.   So you see, your strategy has been successful!  Suppress the unpleasant dialogue, and surely it will eventually go away.  Nice job.

    And here I thought "artists" were among the most open minded and "tolerant" of folks?  I guess only when the views are in aligment with their own and in oppisition to the "wiicked world order" (thanks V!)

  2. Your woes have just begun, but you are a glutton for punishment :)


  4. Surely, fleming, you don't consider tolerance a virtue? Isn't it a weakness?

  5. That is the tolerance I do not have



  7. Oh, and the banks are trying to stiff the people on the payback of the tarp loans

  8. Surely Jemmy you dont think I would fall for such an obvious trap?

    Of course it CAN be a weakness.  Just like an overly appeasing personality or an excessively pecuniary one can. 

    But the key is the hypcrisy.  Those who preach tolerance and the embracing of those outside the mainstream are often the worst when it comes to non-toleration of views that ARE mainstream. 

  9. That is "mainstream fascist"

  10. watch out for the maile covered "invisible hand"

  11. "Dissenting views"?... Cut your crap fleming!

    You got banned because you fell and often fall in that petty, small, mean spirited and unproduvtive category which is totally abhorrant to me, "taunt, tease and provoke" that you, not always but sometimes, let's be fair,  resort to for whatever reason! This is the ONLY rule here, I believe! BTW, you're not the only one who has dissenting views here, but they do not get banned! Anand and vza has much dissenting views as you do but do not get banned..To be honest, only once, when anand cheered and jeered asking for the bombing of Pakistan!
    Agreed, you're not of the nauseating yishai kohen(peace now) kind and category but sometimes, maybe, you're tempted!

  12. "Dissenting views"?... No fleming! 
    You got banned because you fell and often fall in that petty, small, mean spirited and unproduvtive category which is totally abhorrant to me, "taunt, tease and provoke" that you, not always but sometimes, let's be fair,  resort to for whatever reason! This is the ONLY rule here, I believe! BTW, you're not the only one who has dissenting views here, but they do not get banned! Anand for one has much dissenting views as you do but do not get banned..To be honest, only once, when anand cheered and jeered asking for the bombing of Pakistan as if it was a child's game! 
    Agreed, you're not yet of the nauseating yishai kohen(peace now) kind and category but sometimes, maybe, you're tempted!

  13. "Dissenting views"?... No fleming!  
    You got banned because you fell and often fall in that petty, small, mean spirited and unproduvtive category which is totally abhorrant to me, the "taunt, tease and provoke" that you, not always but sometimes, let's be fair,  resort to for whatever reason! This is the ONLY rule here, I believe! BTW, you're not the only one who has dissenting views here, but they do not get banned! Anand for one has much dissenting views as you do but do not get banned..To be honest, only once, when anand cheered and jeered asking for the bombing of Pakistan as if it was a child's game!  
    Agreed, you're not yet of the nauseating yishai kohen(peace now) kind and category but sometimes, maybe, you're tempted!
    I hope you're intelligent enough to get the difference between an objecting, contradictory and dissenting view and the teasing and provoking a la "sharmoota sharmoota" settler cockroach!!!

  14. Rubbish!

  15. There is an -ism pilger forgot to mention: Pilgerism.
    Once again, we have some facts and events, without their historical context and all of their complexities, reduced to a simplistic and overwrought indictment of the U.S.
    Since Pilger belongs to the Howard Zinn school of historical revisionism, everything the U.S. does or has done is carried out because of the basic evilness of the system. All outside forces, events, and actions by other nations or movements are not allowed to interfere with the conclusion that any action taken by the U.S. is simpy wrong by definition.
    Pilger is a great one for decrying the manipulation and distortion of facts by the System. Well, with the selective gathering of his facts, Pilger does a pretty good job of manipulation himself.  He has done some very good work but rarely can resist the urge to go overboard. This essay is the usual simplistic and hyperbolic Pilgerism.

  16. There is an -ism Pilger forgot to mention: Pilgerism
    Once again, we have some facts and events, without their historical context and all of their complexities, reduced to a simplistic and overwrought indictment of the U.S. 
    Since Pilger belongs to the Howard Zinn school of historical revisionism, everything the U.S. does or has done is carried out because of the basic evilness of the system. All outside forces, events, and actions by other nations or movements are not allowed to interfere with the conclusion that any action taken by the U.S. is simpy wrong by definition. 
    Pilger is a great one for decrying the manipulation and distortion of facts by the System. Well, with the selective gathering of his facts, Pilger does a pretty good job of manipulation himself.  He has done some very good work but rarely can resist the urge to go overboard. This essay is the usual simplistic and hyperbolic Pilgerism.

  17. rather

    watch out for the maille covered "invisible hand"

  18. First, there is nothing "evil" ever implied in Pilger's work, only systemic activity driven by the will of a few men. Secondly, rather than "simplistic" (which seems to be a new play word for little vza), it is the undoing of simplistic activity and simplistic views of history which are decimated. 

    Second, prove it, that is, prove the premise of "evil simplicity" practiced by Pilger - and while your at it, toss out your persistent American exceptionalism.  The only thing consistently simple here is your

  19. One other thing...I do not believe for a second that you're a tolerant person yourself! How else could one explain your  insistence, no, rage, at being here absolutely to tell those who on this site are really the disseting views in regard to mainstream USA, the right(!) way of thinking? How else could one see that you could not accept the idea of this site and As'ad's site before disseminate views that you want to challenge absolutely! I have the "weakness" to believe that I'm far more tolerant for dissenting views than you'll ever be since I'm not on any right wing blog trying to correct the wrongs and bullying  people who don't share my opinions! You never tolerated us or accepted that we speak out whether in regard to Israel, Zionism or those countries who support it like the US. I don't believe for a second that the reason you're here is because you enjoy the exchange of ideas or a clean enlighting debate. You said yourself at one stage and you made it very clear that the reason is to annoy and tease!
    So cut the crap, will you?

  20. It would be fun to see if you had a blog, how much would you be tolerating someone like me or v or moyhabin! Hah!!! The joke!!

  21. <p style="margin: 0in 0in 12pt; line-height: normal;"><span style="">"We're not a democracy. It's a terrible misunderstanding and a slander to the idea of democracy to call us that. In reality, we're a plutocracy: A government by the wealthy." - Ramsey Clark, former U S Attorney General </span>
    <p style="margin: 0in 0in 12pt; line-height: normal;"><span style="">"The real truth of the matter - as you and I know - is that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson." - President Franklin D Roosevelt</span>

  22. <p style="margin: 0in 0in 12pt; line-height: normal;"><span style="">"I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our moneyed corporations, which dare already to challenge our government to a trial of strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country." - Thomas Jefferson</span>
    <p style="margin: 0in 0in 12pt; line-height: normal;"><span style="">"Our only political party has two right wings, one called Republican, the other Democratic. But Henry Adams figured all that out back in the 1890s. 'We have a single system,' he wrote, 'and in that system the only question is the price at which the proletariat is to be bought and sold, the bread and circuses.'" - Gore Vidal, The Decline & Fall of the American Empire</span>

  23. "You got banned because you fell and often fall in that petty, small, mean spirited and unproduvtive category which is totally abhorrant to me, the "taunt, tease and provoke" that you, not always but sometimes, let's be fair,  resort to for whatever reason!"

    Lets not pretend TGIA.  Many others have been much more abusive and provocative than I and not been banned.  Abraham for one. His teases and taunts go beyond the pale.  V is frequently quite vicious with Anand and vza.  So when I challenge arguments here with much less vitriol, it must be my perspective that gets me banned.  You give others a pass on the teasing and taunting because you share their views, or think they are "owed" more tolerance because of their "just cause" and "righteous rage".

    From a tolerance perspective there is NO difference between the far left and far right.  Each brooks very little dissent.  The far left-ers may not use religion, but they strut about with just as much as righteous indignation and preening pedanticness as anyone.  See Marcatu.

    I am not far right.  I do not preach religion or that god is on my side.  I do not attack gays or abortion rights.  I do not speak of family values.  I stand up for the republic that is the USA.  I defend capitalism and those that practice it.  I believe in the free-est possible markets.  I believe in the rule of law, with all its flaws.  I believe that western culture, which utilizes orgnization, structure, technology, order, representative democracy, debate, financial rewards and punishment, etc., is dominant because it, above all others, leverages human nature to be the best (and sometimes worst?) it can be.

    I suggest simply looking around you.  The USA is not going anywhere.  Far from it.  Our challengers, ie India and China, have huge internal problems. In fact their societies are much less open, much less free, much less fair, than ours. Keeping in mind that life is inherently unfair, and always will be, despite the grand plans of "Mr. V". :)  

    If I ran a blog, I would encourage anyone to visit it - excluding those who seek to totally dominate or intimidate others.  I am not in that camp.  People come to blogs for confirmation of their views, but also to debate their merits with dissenters. Thus, like it or not, you need my perspective here, if merely for rebuttal sake.

  24. It seems to me you can have rules about foul language, threatening others and/or "personal attacks".  But beyond those it gets very subjective.  The Mullahs also have "very good reason" for tamping down those "godless ones" with whom they take such exception.  They see themselves as fair minded and just as well.  Please, spare us.

  25. "I believe in the free-est possible markets.  I believe in the rule of law, with all its flaws."

    lololol You did not tell me you were coming back to do stand-up comedy :)

  26. I know this is a redux of what I have been saying, but so what? LOL

    "In a manner reminiscent of Ronald Reagan’s New Cold War policies, Obama has vastly increased the military budget, increased the number of combat troops, targeted new regions for military intervention and backed military coups in regions traditionally controlled by the US . However Obama’s rollback strategy occurs in a very different international and domestic context. Unlike Reagan, Obama faces a prolonged and profound recession/depression, massive fiscal and trade deficits, a declining role in the world economy and loss of political dominance in Latin America, the Middle East, East Asia and elsewhere. While Reagan faced off against a decaying Soviet Communist regime, Obama confronts surging world-wide opposition from a variety of independent secular, clerical, nationalist, liberal democratic and socialist electoral regimes and social movements anchored in local struggles.

    Obama’s rollback strategy is evident from his very first pronouncements, promising to reassert US dominance (‘leadership’) in the Middle East, his projection of massive military power in Afghanistan and military expansion in Pakistan and the destabilization of regimes through deep intervention by proxies as in Iran and Honduras.

    Obama’s pursuit of the rollback strategy operates a multi-track policy of overt military intervention, covert ‘civil society’ operations and soft-sell, seemingly benign diplomatic rhetoric, which relies heavily on mass media propaganda. Major ongoing events illustrate the rollback policies in action."

    James Petras

  27. You're right, you're not a  far right but got far enough in the right..You're "mainstream", just like sweden 1975...

  28. You're right, you're not a  far right but got far enough in the right to the ears!! You're just "mainstream", like sweden 1975..


  30. "We are building a religion
    We are building it bigger
    We are widening the corridors
    And adding more lanes

    We are building a religion
    A limited edition
    We are now accepting callers
    For these pendant key chains

    To resist it is useless
    It is useless to resist it
    His cigarette is burning
    But he never seems to ash

    He is grooming his poodle
    He is living comfort eagle
    You can meet at his location
    But you'd better come with cash

    Now his hat is on backwards
    He can show you his tatoos
    He is in the music business
    He is calling you "DUDE!"

    Now today is tomorrow
    And tomorrow today
    And yesterday is weaving in and out

    And the fluffy white lines
    That the airplane leaves behind
    Are drifting right in front
    Of the waning of the moon

    He is handling the money
    He's serving the food
    He knows about your party
    He is calling you "DUDE!"

    Now do you believe
    In the one big sign
    The doublewide shine
    On the bootheels of your prime

    Doesn't matter if you're skinny
    Doesn't matter if you're fat
    You can dress up like a sultan
    In your onion head hat

    We are building a religion
    We are making a brand
    We're the only ones to turn to
    When your castles turn to sand

    Take a bite of this apple
    Mr. corporate events
    Take a walk through the jungle
    Of cardboard shanties and tents

    Some people drink Pepsi
    Some people drink Coke
    The wacky morning DJ
    Says democracy's a joke

    He says now do you believe
    In the one big song
    He's now accepting callers
    Who would like to sing along

    He says, do you believe
    In the one true edge
    By fastening your safety belts
    And stepping towards the ledge

    He is handling the money
    He is serving the food
    He is now accepting callers
    He is calling me "DUDE!"

    Do you believe
    In the one big sign
    The doublewide shine
    On the bootheels of your prime

    There's no need to ask directions
    If you ever lose your mind
    We're behind you
    We're behind you
    And let us please remind you
    We can send a car to find you
    If you ever lose your way

    We are building a religion

    We are building it bigger

    We are building

    A religion

    A limited


    We are now accepting callers...
    For these beautiful...
    Pendant keychains"

  31. I recognize that is meant as an insult, tgia.  Boohoo! :)  

