Tuesday, July 7, 2009

The Angry Arab on the US conspiracy on Iran

"The US conspiracy in Iran
I am now more convinced than ever that the US and Western governments were far more involved in Iranian affairs during the demonstrations than was assumed by many. Let us make it clear: the US, Western, and Saudi intervention in Iranian affairs does not necessarily implicate the Iranian protesters themselves. And even if some of them were involved in those conspiracies, I do believe that the majority of Iranian protesters were motivated by domestic issues and legitimate grievances against an oppressive government. But I was just looking at US and Western media coverage of Honduras: where the situation is rather analogous and you can't escape the conclusion that the US media were involved with the US government of a conspiracy the details of which will be revealed years from now. I mean, there is twitter in Honduras and there is internet there and yet the situation is not getting eve 5% of the wall-to-wall coverage that the Iranian demonstrations were getting. Just as the Iranian Supreme Leader is wrong to assume that all the upheaval in Iran was orchestrated by the outside, other are wrong when they assume that the upheavals were not in any way linked to outside conspiracies against the regime. Read the book All the Shah's Men by Stephen Kinzer one more time to know what I mean. (thanks Dale)


  1. That should be "Thanks, Maracatu"

  2. now we know your surname :)

  3. So Mara (aka Dale...hehe), have you shared anything else with Angry lately? :)

  4. I think the professor's comparison of the mediaq coverage of the two situations is way off. For one, the interest in Iran is so much greater because of all the issues and history we have with the country. Little Honduras does not have the same weight in world affairs as Iran. Honduras did not hold Americans hostage. Honduras did not have regular demonstrations of the Mullahs leading the people in "Death to America" chants. Honduras is not suspected of working on a nuclear weapon. Honduras is not accused of sponsoring worldwide terrorism and Honduras is not involved with countering U.S. actions in Iraq.

  5. I think the professor's comparison of the media coverage of the two situations is off. For one, the interest in Iran is so much greater because of all the issues and history we have with the country. Little Honduras does not have the same weight in world affairs as Iran. Honduras did not hold Americans hostage. Honduras did not have regular demonstrations of the Mullahs leading the people in "Death to America" chants. Honduras is not suspected of working on a nuclear weapon. Honduras is not accused of sponsoring worldwide terrorism and Honduras is not involved with countering U.S. actions in Iraq.

  6. That is true vza.  I would go one step further and say that Honduras has been (and remains) a trusted client state of the United States.

    ...which logically leads to the following...

    Honduras did have commensurate "weight" in (if not world, then defintely American) affairs during the Central American "insurgency" years of the latter seventies and eighties.

    It is interesting that back then, the region "intersected" with the Iran "issue" via Iran-Contra.

  7. O:-) não fala inglês

  8. Thank you for that "deeep" anaylsis vza...lol

  9. Mara, what happens in Honduras has little impact on the world. America cares a bit because the million Honduran Americans are influential. {Honduras only has 7.5 million people, so the US diaspora is over a tenth of all ethnic Hondurans.}

    I don't understand why Iran is some global conspiracy. Is it a conspiracy that most of the top grand Ayatollahs in Quom are against Khameni and Ahmenijad? Only one of the top twelve Marjas has publicly acknowledged Ahmenijad's win, although it is possible that another of the 12 might be okay with Khamenei and Ahmenijad. 10 of the 12 have either declared the election a fraud or have remained silent but are speculated to be against Khamenei.

  10. Anand. lets dunk your head in a barrel of water and speculate how long you can stay under :)

  11. http://www.youtube.com/v/C5xTzP21MXk

    Whenever you talk about this monstrosity here that they call "major media," you cannot pass up the words of John Pilger in<span> "Propaganda, the Press, Censorship and Resisting the American Empire"</span>

  12. V, have you ever heard the saying you catch more flies with honey? I would be more open to many of your opinions if you were not so flippant.   

  13. <h2 class="title-page">
    <h2 class="title-page">Egyptian woman’s death in Germany outrages Egyptian blogosphere</h2>


  14. I hope you never get held up or caught in the crossfire involving Honduran gang members (and I am talking about within the US).

    By the way,...

    Despite all the scaremongering about Iran's nuclear weapons threat, the imminent caliphate and Hugo Chavez's nuclear tongue, all of which has apparently afflicted the wingnuts with urinary incontinence, the average US citizen stands a much greater chance of being assaulted or even killed by a recalcitrant crack addict or other destitute street "criminal".

  15. Mara, I don't think Chavez represents a threat. As I told you I am more favorably disposed to him than most.

    Yes, America has a large crime problem, altough it is a fraction as bad as it use to be in the 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.

    There is a very large Honduran community in California. You are right that there are Honduran Americans involved in organized crime. However, I prefer not to discuss it too much; because I don't like it when Americans bash Americans of Honduran descent.

    Mara, do you know what percent of the Honduran Congress needs to vote to remove the President? How many are against Zelaya now? {Am debating someone who supports the coup.}

  16. Mara, there are worse things that this culture produces than crack heads and gang members, as you can see in your current exchange...lol

  17. By the way, that was me above :)   If one takes the time to look at all of the polls in regard to the will of the majority of the American people, they are way way far left of what poses here (at times, and calls others preening peacocks and others that laud the imperial killing machine) as the "mainstream." If you take the time to lissten to the recent post with John Pilger he makes this very clear.

    That is why I get a good belly laugh when people think it is going to be a massive task to move people against the current course of this nation.  Or should i say when I tell them I will be involved in the process - they are deluded imbeciles.
