Monday, July 1, 2013

Enough with the baloney in Brazil!

Was it just a matter of time before politics caught up with justice in Brazil? Or is it the reverse!? For too long we have watched as Brazilian favelas have been occupied & cleared by riot cops under the guise of the drug war but really to clear real estate for the world class sports games. For decades now Indigenous tribes from the Brazilian Amazon have fought alone against neoliberal predation evicting them from ancestral lands & forcing them into urban slums. They seemed to have few allies among Brazil’s working people.

Just a few weeks ago the Brazilian government flew 144 Indigenous leaders to Brasilia to bully them into accepting the Belo Monte dam project & that turned into a fiasco because within two days the Indigenous representatives were being banned from venues normally considered bully pulpits. Don’t you just love insolence against injustice!? But don’t you just hate when there’s no expression of solidarity from other Brazilians!?

This photo is of a banner outside Maracana stadium yesterday just weeks after Indigenous tribes were forcibly, violently evicted from Maracana Village & made homeless to make room for swanky shopping malls for World Cup & summer Olympic attendees. Maracana Village was in an abandoned natural history museum where  Indigenous people displaced by projects like Belo Monte had established living quarters.

This photo is of an Indigenous Brazilian (his tribe is not identified) protesting with other Brazilians near Maracana stadium in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The banner reads “Maracana Village resists.” Other banners read “We are all from Maracana Indigenous village.” The revolution has begun!

(Photo by Ricardo Moraes/Reuters)

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