Saturday, October 1, 2011

Palestinian leaders renew attack on Tony Blair over Israel

Middle East envoy accused of 'parroting' Israeli demands during negotiations
Tony Blair
Tony Blair in New York. He has lost his credibility as a neutral mediator by ‘parroting’ Israeli demands, say Palestinian leaders.

The Palestinian leadership has stepped up its attack on Tony Blair in his role as envoy of the Middle East Quartet, saying that his "parroting" of Israeli demands casts doubt on his credibility.

Nabil Shaath, a senior Palestinian official, confirmed that Palestinian leaders had discussed whether to make a formal request to the Quartet that Blair be removed from his position, but had decided against such a move.

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1 comment:

  1. "we thought he would be a real support to the Palestinians ..."
    Really? Based on what evidence? The man is a mass murderer, a notorious liar and fantasist, and a snake-oil pedlar on hire to the highest bidder. The Palestinians can't afford Blair, The Israelis bought him with Yankee dollars
