Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jerusalem's mayor unveiled a plan Tuesday to demolish 88 Palestinian homes to make room for a tourist center

Moussa Owdeh, a 58-year-old Palestinian whose home is one of 88 slated for demolition, accused Barkat of fomenting "extremism and bloodshed."

"This is our land and home," he said, holding up a document he said was the title to the property. "Our house is a symbol of our dignity."
But what does an Israeli know about dignity?


  1. What price is Israel paying for the eminent domain purchase of these 88 homes? Israel often tries to gouge Palestinians by paying them below market prices or no price at all.

  2. *DONT_KNOW*

    Ask Totten, he "knows"...

  3. The problem is that you don't want to know...You don't want to learn. You love the sound of your own voice..You love the opinions you have..
    Otherwise you would have read the article.

    Market price, my derriere!
