Friday, February 5, 2010

Iraq to sue U.S., Britain over depleted uranium bombs

Iraq's Ministry for Human Rights will file a lawsuit against Britain and the U.S. over their use of depleted uranium bombs in Iraq, an Iraqi minister says.

According to Iraqi military experts, the U.S. and Britain bombed the country with nearly 2,000 tons of depleted uranium bombs during the early years of the Iraq war.
Gaza is another victim of Israeli depleted uranium..Desmond Travis describes the land as dead, the water thoroughly contaminated.


  1. omigod, that's just horrific.  i assume these babies do not make it.

  2. I would like additional data on this. Is the accusation with respect to 1991?

    Many vehicles have depleted uraniam armor. Therefore, part of what could have happened is that old Iraqi Army armored vehicles could have gotten damaged. The Iraqi resistance could have also released depleted uranium when they damaged MNF-I armored vehicles and armored vehicles of the new Iraqi Army.

    It is probable that the T72 tanks in the new Iraqi Army have depleted uranium armor. Rumor has it that the Israelis were paid to build the armor. The Israelis probably sell the cheapest depleted uranium armor in the world, which is why so many countries around the world are anxious to buy DU armor from Israel.

    If DU is responsible, I would imagine that MNF-I soldiers would suffer the affects worse than Iraqis, since MNF-I soldiers had more exposure to DU. Is there any evidence of MNF-I soldiers having genetically mutated children?

  3. ZID
    I know you haven't read the article :

    "According to the reports, during the first year of the U.S. and British invasion of Iraq, both countries had repeatedly used bombs containing depleted uranium. 

    According to Iraqi military experts, the U.S. and Britain bombed the country with nearly 2,000 tons of depleted uranium bombs during the early years of the Iraq war."

  4. <span>I know you haven't read the article : </span>
    Funny isn't it? Because the answer to his silly question is in the first paragraph in the article..This guy is a mystery to me.

  5. TGIA
    I really think it's time to stop this idiot's mockeries for good.

  6. The French has a word for it. 'Un ane'

  7. The French has a word for it. 'Un ane'

  8. <span>"Un ane" , yes That's "Al Houmar" in Arabic. 
    I like it. 

    No insults intended to all "al Hameer"


  9. <span><span>VAA  
    Do you know how an oyster produces a pearl? It's that grain of sand which infiltrates  and causes irritation to  the soft body of the oyster that pushes it to produce or secrete  saliva covering the bit of sand and neutralising its irritating effect. Over time, the build up  of those secretions hardends and become this exquisit jewel we call an oyster pearl..  
    Without that grain of sand there would be no pearl.</span>

  10. Better not.

  11. <span>Thus spoke a wise man .Beautiful analogy tgia. I like to think of ZID as nothing but an irritating grain of sand .</span>

  12. Many American soldiers who served in Iraq in 1991 complained of all kinds of illnesses after the war. It became known as "Gulf War Syndrome" 

    '<span>Human epidemiological evidence is consistent with increased risk of birth defects in the offspring of persons exposed to DU.<sup></sup><span>[</span>8<span>]</span> A 2001 study of 15,000 February 1991 U.S. Gulf War combat veterans and 15,000 control veterans found that the Gulf War veterans were 1.8 (fathers) to 2.8 (mothers) times more likely to have children with birth defects.<sup></sup><span>[</span>85<span>]</span> After examination of children's medical records two years later, the birth defect rate increased by more than 20%'</span>

  13. More grains of sand: 

    '<span>A January 2010 study by the Iraqi Ministries of the Environment, Health, and Science found that there were 42 sites in the country that are contaminated with high levels of radiation and dioxins. (1) These places are found in Ninewa, Sulaymaniya, Anbar, Baghdad, Najaf, Maysan, Dhi Qar, Muthanna, and Basra. </span>
    10 of the sites are irradiated according to Iraq’s nuclear decommission agency. Three of them are around the former Tuwaitha nuclear facility just outside of Baghdad. Others are former research centers around the capital. All of these places were either bombed during the Gulf War or the 2003 U.S. invasion, or dismantled by United Nations’ inspectors. The head of the decommission agency said that even with the best help those sites wouldn’t be cleaned before 2020. Other areas, such as scrap yards are also contaminated by radiation, thought to come from the use of depleted uranium munitions by the United States in the two wars. There are also fears that the cities of Fallujah and Ramadi in Anbar province are similarly affected. 

    Southern Iraq is facing poisoning from dioxins. In Basra for example, the soil is being contaminated from the oil pipelines. The Environment Minister warned that this is leading to the deterioration of farmland in the governorate.  

    So far the government has focused upon areas that have been affected by the two wars, but there are plans to check the entire country. Some of these areas are also facing high rates of cancer and birth defects, but there is no direct correlation yet between that and the contamination. This is another troubling report for Iraq that already suffers from poor health conditions.'</span>

  14. Basrah brith defects, 1990 - 2000:

  15. <span>Yeh Yeh Yeh BUT:  
    ZID have other <span>Possibility</span>   
    <span>"The Iraqi resistance could have also released depleted uranium when they damaged MNF-I armored vehicles and armored vehicles of the new Iraqi Army."</span>  
    BTW:Just wondering if ZID has been to IRAQ, that would explain his acute brain damage .  >:o   

  16. <span><span><span>More grains of sand:   </span>  
    I don't see the grains of sand in there. Supplementary information which doesn't contradict what I posted. On the other hand the grain of sand is what anan posted. Unfounded speculations, apologetic statements and outright trash. What normal, sain, considerate commenter would ask if this (article) is from 1991 when the first sentence of the first paragraph gives the answer and he RUSHES to post endless comments in total ignorance of what we post.. How  fugging RUDE is that?  What type of behaviour is this? I WANT to know! Where do they breed people like that?

  17. I should have explained my point of view. I believe culpability for DU and dioxin contamination in Iraq must be shared between the US and Saddamists.  Saddam and his supporters were not innocent players in this mess.

    The post on Musings could be a "grain of salt" for anybody who denies the sad statistics, or for anybody who believes that only one side is responsible. 

    I like the allegory, tgia. I think I'll send it to my dad. I think it's true as well.  I remember when arguing with the hardcore zionuts on yahoo message boards years ago I used to get so pissed!  I was often distracted at work and sometimes my girlfriend was annoyed by the amount of time I spent online.  In the end I realized I was learning how to control my emotions.  I was also learning the real history of Palestine. Good things happened as a result of the debates and arguments. 

  18. "I believe culpability for DU and dioxin contamination in Iraq must be shared between the US and Saddamists.  Saddam and his supporters were not innocent players in this mess."


  19. Here. How to deal with the Zios. Bookmark it , it's a MUST. Maybe the funniest post (on this issue) ever.

  20. You have no idea how Saddam neglected the south, do you?

    That's another thing. The Arabs & leftists in general did not react with such fury after learning about Basra birth defects in the 90s.  The Arabs & leftists got pissed only after Saddam was overthrown. 

  21. Can you explain to me why they bombed Iraq with this shit in 1990, in the first the place?

  22. Or did the Arabs & leftists even know about Basra birth defects before 2003?  I don't know. 

    Basra was so fvcked because it was bombed heavily by the allies in 1991, and then after the invasion the intifadha resulted in Saddam's Republican Guards, led by Ali Hassan al Majid, mass murdering Iraqi Shia all over the south. During the sanctions the whole country was suffering, except Saddam and a small minority of Iraqis. The middle class disappeared. As Saddam built palaces, Basra's infrastructure rotted. 

  23. DU is used on the tips of ammunition. It penetrates armor very well. The Pentagon refuses to stop using it. 

    r.s., are you American?  

  24. <span>No, I am an Arab and my Identity card is number 50,000.  
    And don't give me that bullshit that it penetrates armour.  

    <span>“The use of  depleted uranium as the best weapon to penetrate the armoured vehicles, because of its high density is not justified and a huge fraud. The tungsten material for instance is better and higher in density; therefore it may be used instead of the depleted uranium. But the real reason behind using it is to get rid of it and cause criminal destruction to countries like Iraq, for clearly defined political and historical purposes.” -</span><span> </span><span>Dr Haithem Alshaibani</span><span></span>  

  25. The Americans also used DU as armor somehow. When did you learn about DU contamination in Iraq, r.s.?

    "<span> Alternative tank rounds do not always penetrate armor as effectively as DU. Most non-DU rounds tend to “mushroom” (which is how the round looks after contact with enemy armor) as they hit their targets. However, as DU contacts enemy armor, it get extremely hot and “self-sharpens” as it enters the armor, just like a hot knife through butter.<sup>10,11</sup> The bottom line is that DU is simply too good for any military not to use in the battlefield! Another crucial benefit of DU is that it increases the effectiveness of military weapons at even greater distances, oftentimes putting your enemy at a huge disadvantage. Another benefit DU proved during the Gulf War was using DU as tank armor. 645 out of 2058 US tanks used in the Gulf were fitted with DU armor.<sup>14f</sup> Iraqi tank rounds directly struck US tanks but there was no puncture of the DU armor!"</span>

  26. <span><span>
    <p><span>I’ll tell you why, they were fighting a war for Israel and they didn’t really give a shit about how many Arabs they killed, the more the better. They don’t mind using weapons that will threaten the life and health of the next generation. They’ve already killed an entire generation of Iraqis just so the Jewish State can get a new lease on life before it’s doom. </span><span></span>

  27. War for Israel, yes I've heard that before.  Certainly Israel benefited from the end of Saddam. No more money for suicide bombers.  But it's become clear now that Bush & Blair agreed after 9/11 that Saddam could no longer be just "contained" - he had to be overthrown.  The overthrow of Saddam benefited not only Israel. In general the Kurds, Iraqi Shia, Iranians, and Kuwaitis were also glad to see the end of Saddam's regime. 

  28. what you're saying here about saddam and his regime doesn't explain the birth defects in any shape or form. On the other hand you say
     Basra <span>was so fvcked because it was bombed heavily by the allies in 1991,</span>
    Which is more like it in terms of explaining the birth defects..
    So...Contradiction your honour....

  29. Be careful guys,  you are stepping on IM's liberation BS.  Never mind that they were liberated with DU that will be there ostensibly forever. 

  30. I have not been able to find sourcing for this story, or the name of the author of this article. Perhaps the best option is to contact the Iraqi Minister of Human Rights Wijdan Mikhail Salim about this matter and find out what his investigations so far have revealed.

    I have investigated DU stories in the past, as Mojo knows. I have been categorically told that DU doesn't "spread out" so to speak from a bombed vehicle. DU remains very localized.

    Could children be playing inside damaged vehicles with DU armor (many militaries around the world uses them including the Iraqi Security forces), or inside damaged vehicles penetrated by DU shells? (Again, militaries around the world use DU shells in their anti armored vehicle munitions.)

    Are DU sites not being isolated or cleaned up?

    My fear is that many of these genetic defects are not DU related. They could be caused by a whole host of environmental toxins, from industrial plants, to chemical spills, to chemical weapons (which Al Qaeda has used against many Iraqi population centers.)

    Whatever the causes of these environmental defects , they need to be professionally investigated by the GoI (Gov of Iraq) ASAP. The GoI also needs to take all necessary action to limit these genetic defects in the future.

  31. Did you react with fury in the 1990s after learning about DU contamination in Iraq?  Or did you get pissed only after Saddam was overthrown, like the Arabs did?

    Or did you just learn about DU contamination, like r.s. did?

  32. I'll keep it short and simple for you: Saddam led Iraq to war and ruin. Saddam neglected the south while he built palaces for himself.  Saddam was culpable in destroying Iraq. 

  33. Hillariously funny. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
    I have heard the same line before!

    The last two items are actually correct, which makes the listener forget the first two items:
    1) Israel rocks
    2) They sulk
    3) you sulk
    4) everyone sulks

  34. Unlike perhaps some IM I read the history in painful clinical detail of what DU involved medically,  and the early knowledge in the US about its destructive - genocidal capacity,  because it is indiscriminate.  However,  you and the other monkey anan can keep making your stupis posts,  revealing your complicity and brain dead status.  Neither of you know anything,  you are a pair of idiots,  selfish bastards only concerned about yourselves and your won personal peace and comfort.  As the custom goes,  I shake the dust off of my feet in your faces.

  35. We reveal our "complicity" in what?  

    Do you disagree that the Arabs and leftists reacted very differently to DU contamination in Iraq in the 1990s?  Do you disagree that the Arabs & leftists got pissed only when Saddam was overthrown?  Which point do you disagree with?

    It's interesting to think that many people like the venereal-infested American Jew v would have kept Iraqis to continue living under sanctions and continued contamination in the south while Saddam built palaces.  Quite appropriate, actually.  

  36. <span>Watch this video to learn who was complicit in Iraq's ruin: <span></span></span>

  37. OK,  no complicity?  Than you're patent stupidity.  I do not need to learn anything from you you ignoramus,  you have to be the most stupid idiot on the face of the earth.  They should not allow some people to procreate.

  38. Complicity in what, venereal? And how?

    It seems all you can do is attack me instead of disproving anything I've written or quoted.  

  39. <span><span>War for Israel? </span>Well, not an outlandish claim by any means..
    New revelations from the Blair inquiry:    
    Blair says Israelis were in on pre- (Iraq) war planning    
    The most unforgivable, outrageous and bizarre moment of the day occurred when Blair, for some inexplicable reason, volunteered the following revelation about his all-important meeting with George W Bush in Crawford, Texas, back in April 2002:    
    "As I recall that discussion, it was less to do with specifics about what we were going to do on Iraq or, indeed, the Middle East, because the Israel issue was a big, big issue at the time. I think, in fact, I remember, actually, there may have been conversations that we had even with Israelis, the two of us, whilst we were there. So that was a major part of all this."</span></span>

  40. War for Israel?

    "So were the Israelis agitating for war against Iraq, and was Israel a factor in the Bush administration’s decision to unilaterally and illegally invade Iraq in 2003? Opinion has always been split on the anti-war side.
    But Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt, in their much-discussed London Review of Books essay “The Israel Lobby”, back in 2006, made a persuasive case for the argument that Israel, and the pro-Israeli lobby, were key players on the road to war"

  41. <p><span><span>Whatever the other consequences to the region caused by the defeat of Iraq in 1990, the smashing of Iraq’s army confirmed Israel as the undisputed superpower of the Middle East. In that sense, the war achieved one of Israel’s long term strategic goals, an achievement on a par with the naturalization of Egypt more than a decade earlier. As Secretary of state James Baker said shortly after the war: “We have taken care of the greatest threat to Israel’s security.” </span></span>
    </p><p><span><span> </span></span></p>

  42. The Iraqi Army today is stronger than it was in 2000, maybe the strongest it's been since before Saddam invaded Iran. With the right equipment the Iraqi Army will be the strongest army in the Arab "wa6an", if there is such a thing. 

  43. <span>Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt. </span>

    I remember those guys got a lot of shit, sometimes called "anti-semitic" for their essay.  

  44. IM, the war on Iraq was fought for Israel, do you concede?

  45. Sure!  The war was fought for Israel, yet there have been 12 times as many suicide bombings in Iraq as in Israel. Most victims have been Iraqi civilians. 

  46. • EXCERPT FROM London Review of Books essay “The Israel Lobby”, back in 2006 by Professors John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt (via Hasan’s blog):
    …According to Philip Zelikow, a former member of the president’s Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, the executive director of the 9/11 Commission, and now a counsellor to Condoleezza Rice, the “real threat” from Iraq was not a threat to the United States.
    The “unstated threat” was the “threat against Israel”, Zelikow told an audience at the University of Virginia in September 2002. “The American government,” he added, “doesn’t want to lean too hard on it rhetorically, because it is not a popular sell.”
    On 16 August 2002, 11 days before Dick Cheney kicked off the campaign for war with a hardline speech to the Veterans of Foreign Wars, the Washington Post reported that “Israel is urging US officials not to delay a military strike against Iraq’s Saddam Hussein”. By this point, according to Sharon, strategic co-ordination between Israel and the US had reached “unprecedented dimensions”, and Israeli intelligence officials had given Washington a variety of alarming reports about Iraq’s WMD programmes.
    As one retired Israeli general later put it, “Israeli intelligence was a full partner to the picture presented by American and British intelligence regarding Iraq’s non-conventional capabilities.”

  47. Israeli leaders were deeply distressed when Bush decided to seek Security Council authorisation for war, and even more worried when Saddam agreed to let UN inspectors back in. “The campaign against Saddam Hussein is a must,” Shimon Peres told reporters in September 2002. “Inspections and inspectors are good for decent people, but dishonest people can overcome easily inspections and inspectors.”
    At the same time, Ehud Barak wrote a New York Times op-ed warning that “the greatest risk now lies in inaction”. His predecessor as prime minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, published a similar piece in the Wall Street Journal, entitled: “The Case for Toppling Saddam”. “Today nothing less than dismantling his regime will do,” he declared. “I believe I speak for the overwhelming majority of Israelis in supporting a pre-emptive strike against Saddam’s regime.” Or as Ha’aretz reported in February 2003, “the military and political leadership yearns for war in Iraq”.

  48. <span>Conclusion: 
    It was also a war for Israel.. And now the same frigging pattern is repeated with the calls to bomb Iran(Daniel Pipes is just a tiny example)

  49. Surprised?

  50. <span> With the right equipment the Iraqi Army will be the strongest army in the Arab "wa6an"</span>
    "With the right equipment"  sure! But so does the Syrian army.
    With the right equipment even Hizbullah, surely Hizbullah can beat the crap out of the IKF. Heck..they ALREADY did to a certain extent.

  51. <span><span>But hang on..! I really dislike this discussion around The Iraqi army(or any other army for that matter) because any time soon I dread anan hopping in and starting to wax hysterically lyrical about the "lions" or whatever zoo animals he calls them.

  52. <span>True, but I don't think there is an Arab army with the combination of equipment, training, and experience that the Iraqi Army has. 
    Hizballah will likely be supported by the Iraqi state somehow and visa versa. It was rumored that Hizballah trained many Jaish al Mahdi guys. I'm sure Israel is not happy about the close relationship between Hizballah and the Iraqi govt. </span>

  53. Iraq needs a good air force.

  54. TGIA, I am still researching the DU issue. Maybe you can devote another post to this subject in a few weeks.

    Few thoughts. Depleted Uranium is "depleted" and as a result has low radioactive levels. The primary negative health affects of DU relate to heavy metal poisening. As a result the US military and other militaries around the world teach their soldiers to wash their hands before eating if they handle DU.

    There are many theories about why there are more genetic birth defects in Iraq. One theory relates to Yellow Cake, which unlike DU is partially processed and orders of magnitude more radioactive. Saddam acquired Yellow Cake as part of his nuclear weapons program.

    There are other possible causes as well. Chemical spills and industrial pollution to name only two.

    There is also the possiblity that DU is causing some of these defects.

    Whatever the causes of these defects are; it is <span>urgent</span> that the GoI study this issue ASAP and formulate a strategy to combat it.

  55. Please understand that the Iraqi Army will soon be the greatest army the Arab world has ever fielded.

    The Syrian army was defeated in the Iraqi civil war. The Syrian backed Iraqi resistance was smashed. The Syrian military is far lower quality than the IA (Iraqi Army.)

    Hezbollah genuinely performed far better than any Arab force had ever performed, except for the Iraqi Army 2006-2008. Kudos to Hezbollah for it.

    The IDF also fought far better in 2006 than they had ever performed before.

    Both sides fought well. Both sides suffered heavy casualties. Hezbollah lost perhaps, 600 fighters, possibly 300 of them senior cadre. The IDF also took frightning losses.

    However, TGIA, it is important not to exxagerate Hezbollah's performance.  Hezbollah's logistic supply lines were severely depleted by the end of the war. Had the war lasted much lover, Hezbollah would have taken far heavier losses.

    The only Arab force that can potentially defeat Israel are the Iraqi Armed Forces.

    My hope would be that America hooks her wagon to the Iraqis rather than the Israelis. The Iraqis are likely to be a more powerful and valuable ally in the long run. The Iraqis are also likely to be more reliable allies than the Israelis.

    I don't like the way Bibi steps all over our President Obama Messiah. I doubt the Iraqis would bully America the way the Israelis do.

  56. <span><span>Making the region safe for Israel is one PRIMARY objective for the Israel lobby and its goons in Washington. One by one, every threat or perceived threat, small or big is on the agenda for a demolition job, no doubt. Iran, Hizbullah, Hamas, Pakistan, Aganistan tagikistan absurdistan and other rocks in the Kuiper belt  in our solar system..A logical consequence to the founding of the little cute Zionist entity.

  57. Here we go! What did I say!!

  58. Some more analysis on what could be causing Iraqi birth defects:

    Hat Trip Iraqi Mojo.

    Iraq has severe environmental pollution and hasn't ever had an effective environmental protection agency. Addressing this has to be one of the GoI's highest priorities.

  59. <span>The Syrian army was defeated in the Iraqi civil war.</span>
    Shame on them? Why did they go to war without telling me?

  60. TGIA have you heard about the Iraqi civil war of 1980-2008?

    What war do you think was going on in Iraq between 2003 and 2008? You must know about the large role the Syrian army played in Iraq 2003 to 2008.

  61. I am saddened that Obama isn't giving the Iraqi Air Force 134 F16s and 112 F15s from the US Air force; as was widely speculated a few months ago.

    I hope Obama does the right thing in the end.

  62. <span>
    <p><span>"Shame on them? Why did they go to war without telling me?"</span>
    </p><p>It must've happened while you were in bathroom. 
    </p><p>But what civil war ?  IRAQ is under occupation .
    </p><p>Gee, anan is getting nuttier by the second.... 

  63. <span>You must know about the large role the Syrian army played in Iraq 2003 to 2008.</span>
    Oh, please! 

  64. <span>And Obama is the Messiah!! sure!</span>

  65. tgia
    <span>"Shame on them? Why did they go to war without telling me?"</span>
    Hey you might've been in the bathroom.
    ZID is getting nuttier by the second. I don't his condition can get worse.

  66. <span>Iraq needs a good air force.</span>
    Sure , but the (Messiah) / US occupation , and Israel will never allow that , Just in case the Iraqi gov. stop collaborating on day.  

  67. It starting to sound like the Zionist's hasbara , the birth defects aren't related to the ruthless US invasion /occupation ah.. no it's the resistance ,'s Saddam, but don't worry (ZID) is still investigating and he'll give us his report.
    IM and ZID would like us to believe this grossly exaggerated myth about the Iraqi Army strength and  their experience , what experience IM ? , when did the new Iraqi army went to war with anyone , had you been talking about the original army , i might've been convinced of their credibility,but it's an army of new recruits who found a way to beat poverty and mostly lack the motivation needed in a war ,they've never been in a battle against any other army  , chances are they might get slaughtered to the last soldier if there was a real war.

  68. Actually I feel like going  to the bathroom right now but I'm afraid I'd be missing on another war. Bummer!

  69. Why do you call him Zid?

  70. Zid =Zionist in Disguise..

  71. The village idiot is "researching", i.e., waiting for a bulletin from Neo-con Central.
