Saturday, February 20, 2010

French FM sees 'Palestinian state without borders'

France's Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said the recognition of a Palestinian state even before its borders are demarcated is a possibility, Agence France-Presse reported.

Kouchner said economic and institutional development in the West Bank constitutes "the building of a reality" that includes the creation of a state.
Bernard Kouchner,the French PM, is the founder of Doctors Without Borders..


  1. I'm confused. Israel does not have recognized borders-or even set borders, yet it has been recognized as a state by France and other countries for decades. What is the problem with recognizing Palestine? Heck, it hardly seems fair.

  2. <span>Actually Kouchner is saying that France would  recognise such a state. The head line may suggest the opposite though. I'll change it.
