Wednesday, February 24, 2010

"Israel has a publicly-stated policy of violating the sovereignty of any and all countries in order to kill or abduct its opponents"

James Petras
"Israel has a publicly-stated policy of violating the sovereignty of any and all countries in order to kill or abduct its opponents. In both proclamation and actual practice, Israeli law, decrees and actions abroad supersede the laws and law enforcement agencies of any other nation. If Israel’s policy becomes the common practice world-wide, we would enter a savage Hobbesian jungle in which individuals would be subject to the murderous intent of foreign assassination squads unrestrained by any law or accountable national authority."

1 comment:

  1. "With elections this year and the Labor and Conservative parties counting heavenly on Zionist millionaires for campaign funding, it remains to be seen whether Prime Minister Gordon Brown will do more than whimper and cringe! "
    Stand by for an outbreak of whimpering and cringing.
