Green told his friends he "wanted to go to a house and kill some Iraqis," Specialist James Barker said at a court martial. The soldiers changed into black outfits and masks so they would look like insurgents and headed for the house of a 14-year-old girl they had noticed walking through the village. Sergeant Paul Cortez testified that he raped Abeer Kassem Hamza al-Janabi while Barker pinned the sobbing girl to the floor."
*They wont kill him. You think that Americans will respond well to killing this soldier with the death penalty because he "only" killed and raped an Iraqi girl?
Saif feels perfectly within his right to criticize and demonize america, americans and american society. However he harshly ridicules and derides whenever a non-arab/palestinian, especially an "ignorant american", dares to criticize his people/culture. Classic.
ReplyDeleteFleming is it that you have nothing to say about that girl that was raped and killed and it really did annoy you that I posted this? As I said many times the day that the Palestinians,,Arabs,,Muslims,, start to Pay Somebody to Illegally Occupy the USA and then those people do to the Americans what the Americans are Paying the Israelis to do to the Palestinians then you can complain about my bias. But right now I see that you want the Arab people to keep eating American and Israeli Kharra without ever making a complaint. You people complain about the suicide bombings and you complain about the posts on a blog. What a sick person you and every other person that thinks like you is.
ReplyDeleteAnd I said to various people on this site with the inclusion of my co-bloggers.... go ahead and criticise all that you desire but dont be surprised if you get a response from me.
ReplyDeleteAnd also Fleming instead of changing the subject from what I posted can you tell me do you think this man "Green" should die for massacring that young girl and her family and for raping her? This is what that post is about and I am really interested in knowing what kind of justice you would apply to that individual???
ReplyDeleteI call this the "showcase" trial, and maybe a few others. This is because there were probably hundreds or even thousands of Iraqi women raped by occupation forces. They always display a couple, as if they are all model citizens in a foreign land - completely disgusting. It is similar to the bombing of Fallujah, as if it were the only place decimated in Iraq. Such is the utter bullshit that comes out of this place.
ReplyDelete"Three other soldiers were given life sentences in the March 2006 atrocity which was allegedly devised over whiskey and a game of cards at a traffic check point in Mahmudiyah, south of Baghdad. A fourth soldier who acted as a lookout was sentenced to 27 months in jail."
ReplyDeleteIt was not ignored. It was not condoned. It was not covered up. It is in the world's papers for all to see. Three soldiers are already serving life sentences. They are despicable sick scum and 99 percent of Americans would agree.
It is not your criticism that is the problem. It is your blanket demonization. On one level it is understandable considering your identity and experiences.
Your post yesterday with regard to the poor Iraqi man in the hospital was heart wrenching for sure, but then you immediately depicted your American counterparts as only looking for a pat on the back in a story in the newspaper, while of course You and and your friend were the ONLY ones motivated by true caring. Pure nonsense and more a product of your angry imagination than anything else.
"This is because there were probably hundreds or even thousands of Iraqi women raped by occupation forces."
ReplyDeleteProbably? Let's see the proof, v. You need to get yourself over to the Pentagon and lodge those charges today. This is a serious charge that you MUST follow through. No decent American would want anything like this to go unpunished.
I beleive in the death penalty Saif. But many americans do not, regardless of the crime, or who the victim is.
ReplyDeleteWhen the death penalty is applied, most cases go thru years and years of appeals and attorney delays. Ask Yasmin. She may or may not support the death penalty. Most liberals do not.
Military court martials are different than the US court system, and most people, including me, do not know much about them.
Regardless, you have made many, many nasty comments about the USA, including how ignorant and stupid most of us are. I can guarantee this attitude does not endear us to you or your cause.
One time you said something about "disgusting american pastries". I have no interest or care in defending our pasty industry. But when someone expresses a natural and hateful attitude toward such a minor thing about my country, it gives me a good indication of how they feel toward us in general. I can say this, if you think denigrating american culture and hating us will make americans feel guilty and sad, and that it is an effective way to get us to change our policies or attitudes, I can assure you it most definitely will not work for the vast, vast majority of americans. In fact it does the opposite. Expressing hate, criticism, derision a and mocking attitude towards americans will ensure you will not ever receive the support you desire. Especially when we send our tax dollars and/or you come here and enjoy the many benefits it offers.
Vza, I see your Pollyanna nonsense is coming out again - the statement is made on the basis of the record of war (massacre is a better word). Dare I say, something you are completely oblivious to, because you believe in "clean wars" (and so does the other idiot fleming that posts here) that have no basis in reality whatsoever.
ReplyDeleteThis has been one of most covered up illegal invasions in modern history, with a cheer leading corporate media. It is like mothers milk to ignorant masses.
I also say what I do because of the hundreds of women in the armed forces raped in Iraq. It is an epidemic phenomena. Now, do you think that only women in the forces are subjected to this, when there are hundreds of thousands of helpless women in Iraq? If you do, your truly an idiot of epic proportions -
So V/Ward, accusing tens of thousands of american soldiers of rape is effectively declaring war on the US armed forces.
ReplyDeleteSure you are ready for that battle? Even some of the USA's biggest detractors dont denigrate the efforts of US service men and women. You are really on your own on this one.
Pollyanna nonsense? No. I am quite aware of the news stories about the alleged rapes in the military. I am simply urging you to provide the facts and figures....and from a credible source to the Pentagon. If rape has occurred in Iraq (by Americans) on the scale you accuse, then something must be done.
ReplyDeleteFleming, it is truly flattering that you confound me with Ward Churchill, unfortunately we are not one and the same. As far as taking on the military I am addressing the use of the military, and all of these atrocities are the responsibility of this fetid system.
ReplyDeleteI have not denigrated the US military, those who are in control of them have done so - you do not need further denigration, but the exposure of those who have done such. Systemically they have been changed to what they have become, all wars are fought to enrich the few - so instead of a defensive and moral military use, you have a degraded and exploited forces. Their training alone has disposed them toward these atrocities (in fact the entire format of the training has turned them into, this "military culture"), and the expansion of time in the field of combat have driven them quite mad. If your anger is directed at me for saying this is is misdirected, you should instead be assailing those who have created this tragedy.
"The scandal of prisoner abuse at Abu Ghraib focused on the torture, sexual abuse, and humiliation of Iraqi men. A variety of sources suggest that female prisoners suffered similar treatment, including rape.
ReplyDeleteFew Americans probably realize that the American-run prison at Abu Ghraib also held female detainees. Some of them were arrested by Americans for political reasons -- because they were relatives of Baathist leaders or because the occupying forces thought they could use them as bargaining chips to force male relatives to inform on insurgents or give themselves up.
According to a Human Rights Watch report, the secrecy surrounding female detentions "resulted from a collusion of the families and the occupying forces." Families feared social stigma; the occupying forces feared condemnation by human rights groups and anger from Iraqis who saw such treatment of women by foreigners as a special act of violation.
On the condition of anonymity and in great fear, some female detainees nevertheless did speak with human rights workers after being released from detention. They have described beatings, torture, and isolation. Like their male counterparts, they reserve their greatest bitterness for sexual humiliations suffered in American custody. Nearly all female detainees reported being threatened with rape. Some women were interrogated naked and subjected to derision and humiliating remarks by soldiers.
The British Guardian reported that one female prisoner managed to smuggle a note out of Abu Ghraib. She claimed that American guards were raping the few female detainees held in the prison and that some of them were now pregnant. In desperation, she urged the Iraqi resistance to bomb the jail in order to spare the women further shame.
Amal Kadham Swadi, one of seven Iraqi female attorneys attempting to represent imprisoned women, told the Guardian that only one woman she met with was willing to speak about rape. "She was crying. She told us she had been raped. Several American soldiers had raped her. She had tried to fight them off, and they had hurt her arm. She showed us the stitches. She told us, 'We have daughters and husbands. For God's sake don't tell anyone about this.'"
Professor Huda Shaker, a political scientist at Baghdad University, also told the Guardian that women in Abu Ghraib have been sexually abused and raped. She identified one woman, in particular, who was raped by an American military policeman, became pregnant, and later disappeared."
ReplyDeleteI am tired of bantering with people who are so "concerned" about atrocities committed elsewhere, get your act together or get used to being buried with facts.
The difference between when someone from the Mideast comments on our culture and when an American comments on Mideast culture, is that the person from the Mideast is giving his personal opinion, while the United States has a policy of meddling in Mideast countries by supporting dictators, picking sides and arming a side that benefits our corporations, and sending 100,000+ armed marriage counselors to Iraq and Afghanistan.
ReplyDeleteAlso, some of the most radical and cynical people I have met are veterans of our various wars. They know what really goes on during these wars and are not afraid to say that what comes our of government press offices is bullshit. I have listened to more than a few veterans with a few drinks in them say things like, "I never wanted to hurt anyone. The government made me a killer. I was just a kid when I went in. I didn't know any better."
Oh those poor veterans Joe. So they had NO IDEA they might have to actually kill somebody when they VOLUNTARILY joined the military? Not knowing any better is one thing, be a complete moron is something altogether different.
ReplyDeleteDid your poor vets think it was just a way to pay for college, with no risk, or perhaps see the world, again, for no risk? That seems strange, as the military doesnt position itself as the Peace Corp, least last time I checked.
Joe, ANYBODY who joins the military and isnt aware KILLING may be part of their job is a complete idiot.
The primary objective of the US military is to defeat and, if necessary, kill the enemy. Is this a surprise to you? What did you think? Sure mopping floors and peeling potatoes are part of it too, but ultimately at the end of the day the job is to KILL THE ENEMY. That is why they have all those neat and really expensive weapons. Duh!
Man, you really are a strange little bird Joe.
Joe this was a good comment from you, I liked this part:
ReplyDelete"The government made me a killer. I was just a kid when I went in. I didn't know any better."
I wonder if that defense will work for Arab Terrorists?????
I dont think so.
ReplyDeleteI guess it depends if they end up winning or not.
ReplyDeleteI'm talking about veterans who didn't face any charges, but were haunted by their experiences which happened decades earlier, including one World War Two vet who was ordered to take part of a massacre of Ukrainian soldiers in France. The American soldiers were ordered to take no prisoners. It was fifty years later and just about every week he would talk about how they would hold up pictures of their families and say, "No Bosch!"(I'm not German). It didn't matter if "the government made me a killer" worked on anyone else, it didn't "work" for themselves. But they didn't hide their contempt for anyone who believes the bullshit put out by the government.
Joe, it would not work I did not mean it as a real question...
ReplyDeleteI meant that the reaction for most Americans will be that they don't agree with the death penalty for this guy because they will say that they got sent to Iraq and had a friend that died and maybe he was crazy.
So then I meant to ask, you think those same people will have pitty if we tell them that one suicide bomber got his brother killed by mistake by the Americans or Israelis? I dont think so.
"One time you said something about "disgusting american pastries". I have no interest or care in defending our pasty industry. But when someone expresses a natural and hateful attitude toward such a minor thing about my country, it gives me a good indication of how they feel toward us in general."
ReplyDeleteWell you know the other day I believe you said that the Israelis won the war against the Palestinians and to bad for the Palestinians. So when some person has that much of an attitude of dismissing human suffering, occupation and aparthied it also gives me a good indication of how they feel towards my people in general and I tend to not care what there opinions on things are.
"The primary objective of the US military is to defeat and, if necessary, kill the enemy. Is this a surprise to you? What did you think? Sure mopping floors and peeling potatoes are part of it too, but ultimately at the end of the day the job is to KILL THE ENEMY. That is why they have all those neat and really expensive weapons. Duh!" fleming
ReplyDeleteNo way, they are there to advance the "interests" of the US elite, and hence they are given weapons to make sure that takes place - it is a process of a "war" (massacre) of choice, not an "enemy." It has not been an enemy since WW2, but poor countries not able to defend themselves, rich in material and human resources, they are the "enemy" of convenience for the few. So, ostensibly, go fuck yourself fleming.
In both open and covert wars
Sure V, the winners are always villified and the losers glorified. I get it. :)
ReplyDeleteV, if the USA is so interested in massacre, how is it that we have supposedly "lost" at least one or two wars over the last 50 years but havent ever again used our "ultimate weapon"? I mean, if the USA is such a cruel and vicious enterprise, bent on world domination, subjugation of all the world's poor and mass slaughter, how is it that we have allowed ourselves to "lose" some conflicts without using our deadliest and efficient weapon?
Its not like anyone could have stopped us. And we could have done it in such a way as to bring about total capitulation without destroying those precious "natural resources". So tell me V, what has stopped the holy terror that is the USA fron literally unleashing all the terrible might that is in its hands in order to make the world bow before it?
Simply fleming, because that is not how the us operates. If you want to know how they operate, listen to the link above and maybe check out "Confessions Of An Economic Hitman." Plus, it is rarely ONLY America involved.
ReplyDeleteOh my God! Greeene admitted this? I didn't know. Well that piece of Kherra should rot on a desert island with the great Sunni 3arab killer Abu Deraa; with no possibility for escape.
ReplyDeleteI don't think Greene or anyone like him should get the death penalty. The death penalty is far too lenient for scum bags like this one.