Occupy Wall Street protesters regroup after eviction by riot police from Liberty Plaza on 15 November 2011.
As the history of past movements all make clear, nothing terrifies those running America more than the danger of true democracy breaking out. As we see in Chicago, Portland, Oakland, and right now in New York City, the immediate response to even a modest spark of democratically organised civil disobedience is a panicked combination of concessions and brutality. Our rulers, anyway, seem to labor under a lingering fear that if any significant number of Americans do find out what anarchism really is, they may well decide that rulers of any sort are unnecessary.
Read more- The Guardian
In a recent posting Professor Richard Falk quotes the well known poem, "Second Coming", by W.B.Yeats -
ReplyDeleteThings fall apart; the center cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned
then comments -
"Yes, ‘the center cannot hold,’ but that might, if true, be welcomed rather than lamented as it is the center that is mainly responsible for ‘the blood-dimmed tide’ that has been ‘loosed upon the world.’ Instead of (re)constructing centers, especially governmental centers, more responsive to our needs and desires, maybe we should think more about revitalizing peripheries or finding ways to dispense with or at least all centers of hard power for a while."
Of course Yeats was a fascist sympathiser in the 1930s.
ReplyDeleteOccupy Wall Street Divided Samantha Bee visits Zuccotti Park to report on class division within the Occupy Wall Street movement.