Saturday, September 25, 2010

"We want war": Giuliani and Bolton take the stage in NY to call for war on Iran

"Yesterday Mahmoud Ahmadinejad restaged his "Mr Smith Goes to Washington" (or rather, New York) show again, this time using new insane conspiracy theories to dominate the headlines. I'll do here as we all should -- ignore his provocations -- as the real issue to follow is the desperate game he's playing to retain his power in Iran, as well as his populist internationalist savvy of speaking out on what are commonly held (if irrational) views shared by many outside the West. Behind the scenes in Iran he has suffered a number of humiliating knocks to his status, from the do-si-do involved in his attempt to stage the release of Sarah Shroud as an act of personal grace (his conservative opponents refused to allow him to put on a show along the line of his giving of gift-bags to the British sailors released in 2008, Shourd left Iran with no ceremony and kiss from Mahmoud), and he has been undermined in other ways as well. Coming to NY and making a stink is one of his tried and true gambits to consolidate support and quell his domestic conservative opposition."
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