Monday, May 10, 2010

Has Faisal Shahzad, Time Square Fizzler, Started a War?

Justin Raimondo
The Obama administration is determined to link the Times Square Fizzler, Faisal Shahzad, to the Pakistani Taliban, and isn’t about to let logic, reality, or anything remotely related to the facts get in its way. With the complicity of the Obama-stricken media, they just might get away with it, opening the way for expanded military operations in Pakistan, in “retaliation” for an attack that never even happened.

Attorney General Holder did the talking heads circuit this Sunday, no doubt for the explicit purpose of launching this trial balloon, and he had plenty of help from – for example – Jake Tapper, formerly of Salon, the pro-Obama liberal news site, and currently George Stephanopoulos’ replacement on “This Week.” Asked by Tapper what’s new with the Shahzad investigation, Holder replied:

“Well, we’ve now developed evidence that shows that the Pakistani Taliban was behind the attack. We know that they helped facilitate it. We know that they probably helped finance it and that he was working at their direction.”


  1. thankgodimatheistMay 10, 2010 at 5:17 PM

    Is Faisal Shahzad Crazy?
    If so, he's far from alone.

  2. How did they get the information,  by torturing him?

  3. TGIA, Faisal's dad is the former number 2 officer of the Pakistani Army.

    The Pakistani elites created AQ, Taliban, global Takfiri networks with Gulf help in their bid to destroy the Soviet Union, recapture Central Asia (Stan nations) from the Soviets, destroy India, defeat the Persians and Shiites.

    This Faisal comes from one of the most important and elite families in Pakistan.

    This was likely a TTP operation. TTP contacted the LWJ to confirm their participation early on.

    Justin Raimondo is incredibly stupid. More stupid than Dick Cheney or Nancy Grace; and almost as stupid as Amy Goodman, Anne Coulter, Michelle Bachman.

    Why do people want to make friends with AQ and the Taliban?

    Rather give Iraqis, Afghans and others the money, training, advising, equipping to smash them. Then get out of the way.

  4. Faisal doesn't strike me as crazy. A successful rich doctor with a wife and two kids; and a US citizen.

    He might have been upset with evil westernized culture seducing and corrupting young people in his Pakistan and the Muslim world. He might have felt that to purge Pakistan of its immoral government, Army, and civil society; he needed to hit at America. He probably would have also hit at Europe, Russia, India; and maybe the Shiites if given the chance.

  5. <span>Correction: Faisal's dad is the former number 2 officer of the <span>Pakistani Air Force. </span>

  6. Don't bother to attack the arguments or the points Justin is making and rather focus on calling him "stupid".
    Very clever!

  7. TGIA, why does Justin Raimondo invariably take the ISI, Pakistani Army, and Saudi line in any discussion of Iraq, Pakistan or Afghanistan. Isn't it a little suspicious?

  8. TGIA, when the chips are down, <span>Justin Raimondo sympathizes with the Takriri, Al Qaeda linked networks and the Taliban against the Afghan Government and Afghan Army.</span>

  9. Questioning his motivation rather than the validity of his arguments is smear and slander, not critique. Smear is easy. One is always  someone else's stupid, but that doesn't mean he/she is. You have to tell WHY such is the case. Incredible as it sounds, you have to make a point.
