Israel's ten-part negotiating strategy with the Palestinians is designed to prolong negotiations as long as possible, while creating unavoidable facts on the ground,
Mohsen Saleh
Israel has a negotiating strategy that is designed to prolong the negotiations, allowing more time for the construction of facts on the ground and putting it in a position to impose its will on the "final-status" talks. In fact, the strategy can be broken down into 10 distinct sub-strategies, done in the article that follows.
Overall, the Israeli strategy is based on conflict management, not conflict resolution, and it seeks to weaken its opponents bit by bit until they are convinced that the only option for a solution is the one made available by Israel — hence Israel's prolonged negotiation process.
A great read! A window into the mind of a swindler nation!
<span>A good comment found on the article:</span>
ReplyDelete<span>The author of this expose of the Israeli Tactical strategy for prolonged and counter effective negotiations with Palestine for equal rights and sovereignty might as well be speaking from the Carter Center and from the mouth of Jimmy Carter, for his similar thoughts and understanding of how Israeli has manipulated itself away from concessions to Arafat ,Abu Mazen and Fayad, but has taken for granted all of their concessions to Israeli , ostensibly to garner greater autonomy and a more dignified life for primarily the West Bank, often marginalizing Gaza .
Ten headed hydra, this beast, and it is cunning, ferocious, deceitful, blasphemous and perhaps unsure of where this ends.
Israeli game theorists , through their data minings and unconventional warfare studies aligned with the United States PNAC crafters and thinkers ,have estimated that their tactical assault on the psychological strength of Arab resistance will, in the end, defeat the spirit of resistance and also create an environment for Arabs that accepts a dwindling market share of Palestine as the best Arabs can hope for, given their strategic disadvantages concerning military and diplomatist prowess. I feel that the author is selling Arabs Persians and Palestine a bit short, but see his points clearly.
Two distinct disparities of tactical approach are evident between the Palestinian camp and the Israel camp, the Arab groups associative with Palestine Take the patient tack, waiting perhaps as a populous with their respective monarches and elected leadership for the US to fulfill it's promises, after all, it has been US diplomats and strategists who have encouraged non violence in Arabs and Peria and also had them sell this approach to the peoples, Egypt and Sadat a good case in point, Siniora and Hezbollah perhpas less so but still non agression is the order of Arab ideal, they do seek peace and do concede their pride often and their own vision of Palestine as less important than a pragmatic stance which makes peace a possibility.</span>
Possibility however has never translated into reality for Palestine, indeed after gleefully summoning President Carter to meet him in Saana Yemen, Carter already their on other business, Arafat expressed hope, great thanksgiving and a sense of accomplishment in Geneva, his right of passage then seemingly assured, he did ascend for a while as the voice of Palestine, only to end up disenfranchised from His PLO, replaced by Abu Mazen and eventually dead by Israel slight of hand, so we must accept that Palestine is sheep here and the wolf with vipers for hands is as the art at the head of the article accurate but frighteningly unanswerable without the prospect of war still an option, as no other tack has purchased substantive gains for Palestine without paying out grave and appreciable losses which never are repatriated with reparations, as promised.
ReplyDeleteAnother great example of the hubris of Israels ten points of sedition is seen in the United States general demeanor and practical applications of it;s legislatures and presidential administration currently, Congress takes a legal brief made by perhaps one of the most prominent Judges in history, Goldstone, a man of behemoth stature in war crimes jurisprudence and shreds it is garbage before a horrified world of witness, this act of barbarity and morose neglect of even their own humanity to protect Israeli war criminals is evidence of how far from sane Israels accomplices and henchman truly are and why as well. They have been trained subliminally and consciously to obey zionist wishes against their own laws and the laws on international agreements and courts of Geneva conventions which began as protections for Jews at Nuremberg and seemingly end as Zionist intransigence in peace negotiations for a sovereign Palestine.
Frustration has it's limits, this is true often of frustrated resistance in Palestine ,for such a time of miseries visited by overpowering nations such as the US and Israel, whose credos are subversion of others to garner for self, wearing a mask of self righteousness to hide their guilt and avoid shame, the pschological results based outcomes are less predictable if human spirituality is enhanced by unification programs which solidify the general goals of Arabs and also with Persia China and Their Allinace which do share generous affinities in certian aspects of their foreign and domestic policy as pertain to the US and Israel and aslo have some spiritual affinities that can be shared as well, to promote a unified rock solid base of resistance that accentuates shared paradigms and goals and negotiates disparites with good stewardship of reason, avoiding petty squabbles to bring a clear voice of serious resistance against Israel and the US and allies as is prudent if they seek to survive as self determining peoples it is clear that unification of expression is the ticket to ride, in the case of resistance against Isralei and US intransigence in peace negotiations with Palestine.
ReplyDeleteConsider the outpouring of love, charity and concern, expressed at recent Gaza and Lebanese attacks by the IDF from amny world leaderws human rights groups and Persian block sentiment, why Has Arabia and the Egyptian Jordanian and Lebanese leadership not aligned with Iran, China and the Russians? It is the US that has prevented this and also Israel witht heir bribes deals and sophistacated subversions and clandestine operations and aslo by use of unconventional warfares to block unification of these vital interests to aid Palestine. Intelligence ops psy ops , and such are seen as the stronger suit of the Israeli US circle of friends, but this is changing and can be exponentially enhanced if faith can be built between religious leaders, secular leaders and diplomatic efforts that their is no alternative to active and virulent aggression against both Israel and US hubris, It must be shouted down aggressively but with a sense of calm, gentleness and truth that exudes confidence, metrics of cooperation in real terms and actual diplomatic missions targeting exactly what defeats Arabs and Palestine, aggressively, get it done and we have a force of resistance that is superior to those whom oppress us by virtue of truth, sharing without allowing petty squabbling to disrupt alliance and building the careful and meaningful bridges of faith that are known to bring down "Walls of Jericho" by solidarity unity and encompassing walking together with confidence in Palestinians as the true virtue of preference by virtue of their honesty and forthrightness as people.
Very revealing article TGIA, it is the imposition of the will of the strong upon the weak, and the facade of reaching toward a so-called peace.
ReplyDeleteYes v. I found the article and the comment I posted here quite revealing. Negotiations are going to be about more concessions demanded from the Palestinians while Israel holds on all previous concessions as acquired..Pure evil..