Monday, May 10, 2010

Hey Elton! Don't go!

HEY ELTON from John Greyson on Vimeo.

Palestinian civil society has called on Elton John to respect their boycott call and cancel his June 17th concert in Tel Aviv. If he does so, he'll be joining Santana and Gil-Scott Heron, who recently cancelled their spring concerts in Israel. This video suggests six reasons why Elton should join the BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) movement.


  1. This mountebank has 'form' (as we Brits say) in sanctions-busting . He was one of the Sun City slickers back in the days of Apartheid.

  2. Why should performers not perform in either Israel or Palestine?

    This whole sanctions thing against Israel or Gaza confuses me.

    No sanctions against Gaza or Israel . . . I say.

    A more prosperous Israel benefits Palestine and a more prosperous Palestine benefits Israel. Moreover, 23% of all Israeli citizens are Palestinian.

    From TGIA's research; Palestinian Israeli citizens suffer enough from discrimination and abuse inside Israel as is; they don't need to be punished by sanctions on top of that.

    Why not buy Israeli politicians with oodles of cash; and then manipulate them into doing right by the Palestinians? Have suggested this idea many times on this blog; and few seriously respond to it.

  3. Any news from the Haqqani fan mail search party? Are they lost in the wilds of Hysteria?
