Monday, August 24, 2009

Israel says shooting of unarmed American activist a justifiable act of war

the Israeli military has declared the shooting of an unarmed American peace activist an act of war. The activist, Tristan Anderson, was critically injured when Israeli soldiers fired a tear gas canister directly at his head in March. Anderson was taking part in a weekly nonviolent protest against Israels separation wall in the West Bank village of Nilin. The Israeli military says Anderson was involved in a hostile act, which would absolve the military of any liability for his injuries. Michael Sfard, an attorney for Andersons family, said, If [an] unarmed civilian demonstration is classified by Israel as an act of war, then clearly Israel admits that it is at war with civilians. The Anderson family has filed a criminal complaint with the Israeli government and also plans a civil suit.


  1. A reader left this comment. Enjoy.
    "That fag went all the way over there just to stir up shit and suport the muslim terrorists. That LITTLE SHIT is a jew-hating homo who never worked a day in his life. Too bad he didn't die."
    Obama eat dicks
    Ah! those right wing zionist intellectuals!

  2. Supporting terrorists is bad for your health. He should have remained in his own land.

    Oh well. That was his choice. :-D

  3.  <span style="color: #476cb8;"><span style="CURSOR: pointer">thankgodimatheist</span><img src=""/></span> <span>And what does Tarek Ramaden has to do with the Abbassi dude, flaming ass? Do you have a minimum of intellectual curiosity to check who this scholar is and judge for yourself if the university was right in sacking him or not? You rather prefer to dig up some shit about some shitty journalist just to show you're right in your extreme views on this issue!! 

    <span>TGIA, the Intellectual "Pot" calling out the Intellectual "Kettle"... :)  </span>

  4. At least I read the articles..

  5. When you start reading articles/editorials from the Wall Street Journal and National Review Ill start reading your "articles".  LOL

    BTW, I read massive amts every day for my job.  Spare me your lame attacks on my intellectual curiosity. 

  6. Yes but the difference is that I DO NOT comment on those articles you read while YOU DO on here!..
    BIG difference!!

  7. I read them also fleming, but I do not relish it like flies do shit

  8. Sometimes I do make "comments" on "articles" from the land of absurdia.  LOL  Cant help it.  

    Didnt you (and Joe) take great umbrage at the concepts of Ayn Rand?  Yet neither you (nor Joe) have ever read her.  

  9. Sure moran. Me no read!

  10. TGIA tries so hard to educate us poor dumb americans.  If only we would "open our minds" we'd see that the Palestinians are wonderful and the Israelis suck...

    Lets see, who cheered when 9/11 happened?  Who supports OBL to this day?  Who takes money from their buddies in Iran?  Who would love to REALLY stick it to us on oil prices?

    Oh, thats right.  The Palestinians, and their arab buddies.  Gosh, we are stupid.  But not THAT stupid.

  11. Well, this is just more evidence that Israel can do whatever it wants--murder our civilians, bomb our ships, flout our laws, and build nuclear weapons in defiance of every precept we make every other country sign onto--and America will continue to genuflect and kiss ass and keep sending money, bombs, and stupid Senators to Israel.

    Israel is showing all the signs of a descent into lunacy, all the signs of a rogue state dropping into uncontrolled chaos. How long can it last? Without U.S. support, Israel's mask would be ripped off and the country would, finally, be revealed as the stark raving madman it is. With no U.S. help it would be economically wrecked, its entire economy and infrastructure crumbling while it devotes all its resources to war, war, and more war. It would be a lawless, pariah state, worse than Somalia or the Congo, found guilty of every international war crime and crime against humanity.

    It is ONLY the ongoing support of the U.S. (and to some extent Britain) that keeps the mask of sanity on. That's why it makes me so angry, as an American, that this is done in my name and with my tax dollars.

    But this can't go on much longer. The real face of Israel is finally becoming clear to the whole world, and it's the face of a deranged murderer. At some point, someone will stop it. It's too late for Israel to save itself, but at some point SOMEONE will say "Enough. That's it."
