Sunday, August 2, 2009

As blockade bites deep, more Gaza children must work

Sadly, Jihad and Zaher are not alone. Children can be seen on Gaza City's other street corners, selling in front of stores or to passing cars. Other children sell tea, coffee or tissues at the Jundi al-Majhoul public garden in the al-Rimal district. All of them work to help their families.
Why don't they just give up? Tsk, tsk...


  1. Indeed.  Werent those Germans and Japanese stupid when they surrenderd in 1945?  Imagine where they would be today if they had had the "bravery" to continue the valiant struggle....


  2. Fleming
    You're beyond stupidity. You're an asshole!!

  3. Can somebody tell this fleming asshole to fuck off.. I'm a bit busy here!

  4. Can somebody tell this fleming as...e to f..k off.. I'm a bit busy here!

  5. My my, letting our emotions get the best, ay tgia?  Note the absence of a nasty retort from moi.  Still, I suspect banning is in my future LOL

  6. You keep making the same analogy . I thought v made it clear when he said
    <span style="">"So your ideas are about as comparable as an egg to a plant." </span>
    you can't differentiate between Germany/Japan and Palestine 
    Go back to your Granite bench and keep farting on it to amplify the noise.

  7. Granite "Countertops", not bench, Mr VAA.  If you are going to properly insult somone, please do get it right! LOL

    My apologies, but just because V says something, doesnt make it so.

    My point still stands.  As it may prove beyond your limited comprehension, let me say it again more bluntly: The ability to recognize and accept defeat is the first step in building a new and better future.  There!  Plain as day. No farting necessary.  

  8. Of course Germany/Japan weren't like "Palestine" because there never was any such thing as "Palestine".

    And there never will be.

    They chose war and terror INSTEAD.

    Oh well. That was their choice. :)

  9. The only point that remains fleming, is the one at the top of your head, which you are apparently standing on. There is no defeat, there is only destruction and genocide of the Palestinians. These are not massive empires facing off on one another, but one that has beeen planted and supported by empire to this day, there is no agreeing part of the agressor to stop the genocidal process. There is no farting necessary because you are a fart fleming, nothing you say matches reality - you are a fucking blithering idiot.

  10. Here is some reality -

  11. Finally you dumb shit, Israel has already agreed with the world community as represented in the UN - TO STOP THE OCCUPATION AND STAY BEHIND THE 67' BORDERS. It (Israel) has broken that agreement, and it refuses to recognize international law. That is the basis, with the continuous expansion and murder of the Palestinians what is their answer? "We will not abide by any law." The Palestinians have ALREADY agreed to the terms, Israel has not - TELL FUCKING ISRAEL TO CEASE AND DESIST, and don't keep making asinine remarks about the "Palestinians surrender."

    My recommendation to you is. once again, to shut up you stupid asswipe. Go to Green Footballs and talk to your buddies there

  12. Oh my!  V weighs in with a blistering attack on my blithering idiocy... LOL

    Yet another masterful effort by V in which he twists, spins, denies, deflects, reflects, obfuscates, opines - all with the result of saying nothing at all. Really, rather amazing. 

    I stand by my point 100%.  Its underlying truth holds in just about any endeavor in life -- most of which dont involve massive empires.  If you cant see it, V, you may need some remedial analogy training.  Perhaps a felllow academic could provide it? 

    Ive been called many things in my life but never A fart, I dont believe.  And it hurts, V, it really hurts.  Careful, I could explode. And you know that's bad for global warming!! HAHAH

  13. Listen you god damn idiot, this law which prescribes the border is the same law that bequeaths Israel with its statehood. They want the benefits that accrue to the statehood, but not the responsibility and the consequent rulings. What is being done (by Israel) is seen by the WORLD as being illegal. So stop telling the Palestinians to "surrender" you baboon. This is the end of your idiotic babblings, completely devoid of truth and reality

  14. I cant tell the Palestinians to do anything V.  All I can do is suggest that history shows those who "move on" after a defeat are more likely to build something positive out of their future than those who dont.  Its not a complex concept.  But it requires the subordination of ego to do so, and we all know the Palestinians will never stand for that.  They would rather future generations suffer for +1000 years than admit they have not and cannot win.  Its like the confederate holdouts from the american civil war.  What a waste. 

  15. <span>Moderator: There was a heated debate here. This is a discussion that can last for hours. We are already out of time. Erdoğan: One minute. Moderator: Mr. Prime Minister, well, you know Erdoğan: One minute, one minute! No! One minute. Moderator: Ok, but I want you not to speak more than one minute. Erdoğan: Mr. Peres, you are older than me. Your voice is very loud. I know that you are speaking aloud because of the requirement of a sense of guilt. My voice will not be that loud. About murdering, you know killing very well. I am well aware how you murdered children on beaches. Two former prime ministers of your country had important sayings to me. You have former prime ministers who say When I entered Palestine on tanks, I feel more and more pleased. I can give their names. Maybe some of you wonder. Besides, I condemn those of you who applaud this persecution. Because applauding these killers who murdered those children, who massacred those people is, I believe, also another crime committed against humanity. Look, we cannot disregard a reality here. Here, I jotted down a lot of notes, but I dont have time to answer all of them. But, I will say you only two things: Moderator: Excuse me Prime Minister, we cant start the debate again. Erdoğan: Excuse me. First ... excuse me, do NOT interrupt me!... First, The Old Testament says in the 6th commandment: "You shall not kill!" But there is murder here. Second, this is also very interesting. Gilad Atzmon, a Jewish himself, says: Israeli barbarity is far beyond even the cruelty. Besides, Avi Shlaim, Professor of Oxford who performed his military duty in Israeli army, says in the Guardian the following: Moderator: Prime Minister, Prime Minister. I wanna ask to our host. Erdoğan: Israel became a gangster state. (to the moderator) I thank you, too. For me ... Davos is done for me from now on. I will never come to Davos again. You shall all know this in this way. You are not letting us speak. (Showing Peres) He spoke for 25 minutes, but you let me speak 12 minutes. No way! "The translation may not be exact, particularly those of the moderator (i had to translate his sayings using the interpreter's translation to Turkish as i cannot hear what he says). On Erdogan's speech, it was difficult for me to translate some of phrases, but i guess the translation gives more or less the same meaning.. Enjoy .)" </span>

  16. Than tell Israel to "move on" jackass, there is no fucking "win," only compliance to the rules of law and consensus as proffered in the UN on the agreement which Israel has signed and broken. Apparently this is a concept too deep for you, the simplcity baffles you - so you persist to be deaf, dumb, and blond. Fuck off fleming, you little disingenuous piece of shit.

  17. Than tell Israel to "move on" jackass, there is no fucking "win," only compliance to the rules of law and consensus as proffered in the UN on the agreement which Israel has signed and broken. Apparently this is a concept too deep for you, the simplicity baffles you - so you persist to be deaf, dumb, and blind. Fuck off fleming, you little disingenuous piece of shit, and stop telling the Palestinians to surrender - surrender to what fuck face? There is no war, there are only massacres of the Palestinians and illegal occupation - you surrender that atrophied thing you call a brain in your skull, it is worthless.

    Perehaps it is best said this way - it does not matter what you "think" (I use that lightly) fleming, only the facts matter. You can blabber till the end of time, and the multitude of words are compeltely worthless if there is no basis in fact. However, that is not the only probelm you have - you are also a racist, and only ideological pimps like you continue on proclaiming their nonsense as the rest of the world moves on.

  18. Than tell Israel to "move on" jackass, there is no fucking "win," only compliance to the rules of law and consensus as proffered in the UN on the agreement which Israel has signed and broken. Apparently this is a concept too deep for you, the simplicity baffles you - so you persist to be deaf, dumb, and blind. Fuck off fleming, you little disingenuous piece of shit, and stop telling the Palestinians to surrender - surrender to what fuck face? There is no war, there are only massacres of the Palestinians and illegal occupation - you surrender that atrophied thing you call a brain in your skull, it is worthless.
    Perhaps it is best said this way - it does not matter what you "think" (I use that lightly) fleming, only the facts matter. You can blabber till the end of time, and the multitude of words are completely worthless if there is no basis in fact. However, that is not the only problem you have - you are also a racist, and only ideological pimps like you continue on proclaiming their nonsense as the rest of the world moves on.

  19. Oh no, not the settler. Your posts become boring after a while. They are also factually inaccurate. The Palestinians didn't chose war in 1948; the "lovely neighbors" did. The neighbors didn't go to "liberate" Palestine but to divide it up amongst themselves. Don't blame Palestinians for their jerk off neighbors.

    Palestinians don't want to kill Israelis. A majority want a one person one vote free democracy. Why is that immoral?

    Flemming, I would say that Germany/Japan/Italy/South Korea/Taiwan and other countries chose to resist harsh American occupation in a different manner. They decided to become richer and more influential than their occupiers; and to build powerful lobbies to control Washington. This method of resistance to occupation worked wonders! Hong Kong, Singapore and Malaysia also pursued this method of resistance to harsh British occupation.

    This is a serious question to the friends of Palestine; can this method of resistance be discussed? Can all of us rationally analyze the strenghts and weaknesses of this type of resistance compared to other types of resistance?

  20. V is actually right. Israelis did promise to honor the 1967 borders and has yet to fulfil this 42 year old promise.

    However, here is the thing; most Palestinians may not support 1967 borders. Most Paletinians seem to favor either roughly 1948 borders or a one free plural state solution (reunification with their Israeli brothers.)

  21. Flemming, why do Palestinians have to lose? Why can't both Palestinians and Israelis win? Notice how Reagan and Bush senior never said that America won the cold war? In fact they couched it as a victory for the Soviet people. Ask yourself why.

    Did Germany, Japan, Italy, Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia or other occupied countries "lose." They don't look like losers to me.

  22. Germany and Japan definitely lost WWII.  They signed unconditional surrenders.  There is no disputing that. They have since pulled themselves up from their defeat, that being my point.

    To move on, one must recognize the inevitable.  Palestine's war witth the Israelis is lost.  Get on with it. 

  23. Please Anand.  Washington is not controlled by outsiders.  That is just plain silly. The EU and USA are still by far the largest economies in the world. And the USA maintains its massive military advantage.

    The Right of Return/One person one vote is just a way for Palestinians to take over.  Everyone knows this, except you, Anand. 

  24. You deserve the same or worse chowder head

  25. Classic V.  :)  

    Why would the Israelis "move on" when they dont have to?  The USA didnt surrender to Germany or Japan, did it?  

    It doesnt need to be a truly formal surrender.  Just an internal recognition that its time for Palestiniansn to dedicate their energy to building up what they have, rather than focusing on what they dont have, and probably never will.  

  26. By move on jackass, stop attacking the Palestinians! Is this too hard for you to conceive of? Stop building illegal settlements, stop practicing Apartheid - stop making your Palestinian citizens in Israel no-class citizens. Move on, stop stealing land and evicting Palestinians in Jerusalem, stop building a wall on land that does not belong to you, stop the siege of Gaza, take away the check points - get it? It has already been set what the borders are, this has been the position of the 67' borders, it is voted on yearly - 150 plus to 4 or 5. MOVE ON! YOU HAVE TAKEN ENOUGH ALREADY, KILLED ENOUGH PEOPLE, YOU HAVE CAUSED ENOUGH SUFFERING - TIME FOR ISRAEL TO MOVE ON. I hope that is clear Methuselah, and if not, too bad.

  27. Unless, of course, you hold to the might makes right principle, which you always eventually devolve to when you have been stripped of all your incessant bullshit. If that is the case, move on to the 21st century.

  28. You are naive Flemming. Ever heard of the Saudi lobby? When is the lost time the China lobby lost something it really wanted?

    Japan and South Korea were unable to persuade Congress to allow them to buy F22s. So there are limits to the power of their lobbies. But on economic issues, which they care most about, they rarely lose.

    Military capacity matters much less than economic capacity. Other countries prefer a strong US military that they can influence for their own purposes. Look at Afghanistan. China complained viscerally about OBL to America in the 1990s. China remains very scared about AQ terrorist attacks in their own country. China is now using America to do its dirty work in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  29. What is immoral about reunification and civil rights in Palestine? I don't agree that Palestinians want Jews to move out of Israel.

  30. V, do you back a two state solution based on the 1967 borders? Surprising.

  31. You used the word control, Anand.  Obviously other countries try to influence decisions in Washington.  And sometimes they ARE successful.  But America is not CONTROLLED by any other entity. 

    You dismiss military prowess as if it is meaningless.  It is not.  The US is not being "used" by China.  OBL attacked the US, remember?  Not China.  We would not be in Afghanistan if OBL had attacked China. 

    Economic power is still held by the US.  We have a GDP of $14T.  China is less than a third of that.  even at 8% annualized growth to our 3% it takes them quite a long time to catch up - and that assumes they dont go off the rails. 

    The US is still the only superpower on earth.   With only 5% of world population, and historical precedents, we will not hold our position forever.   But certainly we shall for the next 50 years, at least. 

    When the oil runs dry do you think the Saudi lobby will remain influential?  The Saudis are not running americda, and never will.  They piss away money better than your average 8 year old.  As new technologies are discovered and new energy sources come on line, there will be a monumnetla shift in power. 

    China still needs the US as much or more as we need them.  Their economy is still geared heavily toward exports, and that will not change soon, as their culture supports saving over spending.  Remember, push comes to shove, we can always walk away from our debts.  Rest assured China does not want to see its $800 billion in US Treasuries evaporate. 

  32. If Israel and Palestine were to combine the Palestinian/ non-jewish population would vastly outnumber the jewish population.  Given As'ad's "notebook" program, clearly, abdicating governance of a combined state to Palestinians, many/most of whom hate Israel, would not be a wise move for the Israelis, to say the least.

  33. So V, do you think American Indians should still be "resisting" their occupation?  While doing so would perhaps assuage your (Ward's?) hurt pride, it would obviously be a losing cause.  At the end of the day, we are not giving back New York city, Chicago or the Black Hills.  The Indians have truly realized and are having some success with their casinos and other business endeavors.  In their case continued resistance would be utterly futile.  The Palestinians are not so different.

  34. Fleming, how do you expect to have a conversation when you have a view of reality and history that resembles this -

  35. Gee V, its weird.  In the "real world" I dont have any conversational issues.  Perhaps the confusion is yours???? Im just saying....LOL

    The vast majority would be utterly flumoxed by your convulted ideas and nutball-ish rants.  If they were ever exposed to them.  Which they arent, and wont be, 

    Dude, I hate to tell you, you are SERIOUSLY out of touch.  Spend some time at a Denny's or any other place that is bereft of revolutionaries.That could clear the head a bit. :)  

  36. OBL has attacked China. Remember how many of the Guantanamo detainees are Uighers? China is Afghanistan's largest trading and investment partner. China is benefiting from US actions in Pakistan and Afghanistan, because otherwise China would need to do more of the heavy lifting itself.

  37. Im sure China is benefitting, as is the rest of the world, from our activities in Afghan and Iraq.  Regardless, China is not calling the shots as to where and when and how much we engage militarily around the world.  China does not have near the influence on US policies as you seem to want to believe.  WE are pusing them on N Korea.

    OBL has not claimed responsibility for any significant attacks in China.  His best and biggest effort thus far is 9/11, and he would love to hit us again. Alqueda will take fighters from wherever it can get them. 

  38. Hungry people dont stay hungry for long
    They get hope from fire and smoke as the weak grow strong
    Hungry people dont stay hungry for long
    They get hope from fire and smoke as they reach for the dawn

  39. The Palestinians didn't chose war in 1948; the "lovely neighbors" did. The neighbors didn't go to "liberate" Palestine but to divide it up amongst themselves. Don't blame Palestinians for their jerk off neighbors. 
    You've been spending too much time on Totten's blog..
    Why should the Arabs have accepted an invader and a settler  just like that? Just because the UN, under heavy influence, said so?

  40. The Palestinians didn't chose war in 1948; the "lovely neighbors" did. The neighbors didn't go to "liberate" Palestine but to divide it up amongst themselves. Don't blame Palestinians for their jerk off neighbors.  
    You've been spending too much time on Totten's blog.. 
    Why should the Arabs have accepted an invader and a settler  just like that? Just because the UN, under heavy influence, said so?
    Please don't respond to this. Just go and check history books.

  41. What emotions asshole? I don't believe in dialog (with you)..A dialog is not possible with the deaf and the blind especially when they're afflicted with Down syndrome..

  42. My my, letting our emotions get the best,
    What emotions asshole? I don't believe in dialog (with you)..A dialog is not possible with the deaf and the blind especially when they're afflicted with Down syndrome..

  43. You are naive Flemming.
    Ha ha. Sir is too kind! The guy is a moron!!
    Anyway go ahead. Have a conversation with a brick wall if you feel like it!!

  44. v
    Why responding to this asashole. He's wasting your time.


  45. Why responding to this asshole? He's wasting your and everyone's time.

  46. You are not only patently out of your league fleming, you are out of your mind :)

  47. Obviously this coward has no problems with having American Indians parked in reserves, why should he have a problem with the same fate for the Palestinians? As long as his  camp is "winning" he's fine with it..
    Why conversing with this caricature of a human being? He's a total waste of time..

  48. Well jeez tgia.  So now, in addition to deleting my posts, you're resorting to insulting people with Down's syndrome? :)

    Why not go ahead and ban me again? That is your modus operandi: Insult, delete and then censure. 

    The truth is, if what I am saying was so stupid, or so naieve, it wouldnt bother you.   If you are not fat, you dont care if somebody calls you fat.  Thus, there must be at least some truth to what Im saying.  That is why you get so riled.  

    Also, I have yet to make a seriously dersivie personal remark, while you and V are going to town.  But for some reason I am the "as---e"...

    Go ahead, implement the ban.  Cant wait for you to prove me right.  PS: Ive copied this post, so I can re-post in case of delete.

  49. AQ threat to China:
    Michael Scheuer discusses China complaining to America about Osama Bin Laden in the 1990s

    The vast majority of people killed by AQ linked networks are not American. Before 9/11, OBL linked networks killed more than 10,000 Indian civilians, many Russians, Philipinos, and people from many other countries.

    OBL's first large massacre of civilians (that I am aware of) was in Gilgit Kashmir in 1988.

    China is using America to deal with their North Korean problem too. Have you seen reports in recent days of North Korea possibly transfering nuclear materials to Burma.

    China uses America to keep global sea lanes open for China's global trade. When is the last time America did anything that China didn't want (that China actually cared about)?

    Flemming, do you really think that Congress isn't bought and paid for by large global multinational corporations (many of which do more business in China than the US)? Maybe V can teach you a thing or two on the subject.

    V is crazy, but sometimes even he is right.

  50. Israel is not my camp, TGIA.  But facts are facts.  The Palestinians could create a much better environment for themselves, but they dont.  They receive billions in aid from around the world, including the US.  Yet they spend how much on rockets, rifles, bullets and bombs, which they use for making nit-picking attacks on Israel that feel macho but dont accomplish anything - or worse yet, make things worse. 

    Rail at me all you want.  I dont have any influence on US policy.  I just write honestly the way myself and most of the US people see it.  Hate on me all you want, it doesnt matter in the big scheme. 

  51. TGIA, few Americans share some of Flemming's extreme views.

  52. Look Anand, I know it gives you a hard on to think america is some pity poor hand maiden to your chinese ancestors. But you are way off base. 

    China is still barely more than a third world country.  It is the world HQ of patent/trademark infringement.  Chinese factories produce huge quantities of illegal goods, from bogus drugs to copycat luxury products, and dump them on the world.  Chinese culture represents one the most deceptive, corrupt and mismanaged in the world.  I wouldnt trust China as far as I could throw it.

    You can fanrtasize all you want about how China is "using the US" to accomplish its goals of world domination.  Everybody uses everybody.  We use them to make cheap goods and in return give them....paper money! They have turned large portions of their country into environmental wateleands, and a large percent of their population into low wage unskilled workers all for the purpose of....maintaining WalMart's shelves filled with low cost goods.  LOL

    We dont care that much about N Korea.  They still dont have the capacity to really hurt us.  Our fear is that they would transfer WMDs to some rogue entity that could.  China, meanwhile, has to worry about 10 million starving N Koreans flooding their border. 

    We need the sea lanes open too.  The whole world, especially Europe, relies on American military might for these kind of policing activiites.  We know it and accept it.  What is good for trade is good for the US. 

    Id wager you dont have much in-depth interaction with those who are truly multi-generartional americans.  You sure dont sound like one.  Im guessing you are treated as an outsider by your peer group here in the US.  Did you ever play american football or baseball?  I doubt it. You dont sound like the kind of person Id ever want to have a beer with. 

  53. Sure Anand, you have a great grasp of american public opinion. Oh brother. 

    Sorry, you cant get a true understanding of america from the NY Times or Business Week.  You have to interact with REAL PEOPLE.  Something tells me you do very little of that.

  54. are out of your mind." V

    Gosh v, that is the surest confirmation yet from you that my ideas are indeed quite SOUND! LOL

  55. fleming
    I like playing games. Your move.

  56. Flemming, how about real Americans like Ike and Reagan. They had the decency to avoid the big "I." With them it was always about inspiring Americans to strive for higher peaks through their own efforts. They did this without putting others down, or the crash triumphalism you demonstrate. They inspired Americans to remember that each human had infinite potential; all humans . . . Americans and nonAmerican alike.

    See Jack Kemp's acceptance speach at the 1996 Republican convention.

    How do you do inspire Fleming? Do you even believe Reagan's romantic idealism that freedom and success was the call of all people, even those who were not American. Reagan loved the Soviet people, but detested the system that kept them down. Reagan never wanted to defeat the Soviet people, only the evil empire that oppressed them.

    Reagan, Ike, Jack Kemp, Lincoln didn't dislike or put down the people of any nation. Their vision of America reaching her potential involved win win, America jointly rising with others . .  not win lose.

    Read Lincoln's second inaugural from 1865. Those are the words of a "real American." Read the optimism and worship of effort and sacrifice of Teddy Roosevelt (one of my heroes), FDR, or Truman. "Real Americans" means freedom from cynicism, pescimism, negativity, blaming others versus working to solve seemingly intractible problems, or putting down others.

  57. Israel is not my camp, TGIA.
    No?? Where the hell did they come from flamingo? Outer space?? Israel was founded by European and American settlers..White people!! Your people..

  58. I don't know anand..I suspect all types of opinions are represented in the US..I don't hate the Americans contrary to what this gentleman think but I vomit his kind!!

  59. TGIA, few Americans share some of Flemming's extreme views.
    I don't know anand..I suspect all types of opinions are represented in the US.. BTW, I don't hate the Americans contrary to what this gentleman might think, but I vomit his kind!!

  60. BTW, flamingo..Some Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan Saudi and others have accepted defeat haven't they? Where did that lead them?

  61. The only "sound" there is in your case fleming is the echo of a thud, As factless and groundless ideas run into one another :)

  62. The only "sound" there is in your case fleming is the echo of a thud in your mind, as unfactual and groundless ideas run into one another :) The use of your "brain" has reduced to mere bodily functions.

  63. BTW, flamingo..Many Arab countries like Egypt, Jordan, Saudi, Bahrein and others have accepted defeat and made peace with Israel..? Where did that lead them? Harsher occupation and more land theft...

  64. you cant get a true understanding of america from the NY Times or Business Week.  You have to interact with REAL PEOPLE.
    Understand, plantation country!

  65. <span style="">{Redux} Well jeez tgia.  So now, in addition to deleting my posts, you're resorting to insulting people with Down's syndrome? <span style="mso-no-proof: yes;"></span></span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Why not go ahead and ban me again? That is your modus operandi: Insult, delete and then censure.  </span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">The truth is, if what I am saying was so stupid, or so naieve, it wouldnt bother you.   If you are not fat, you dont care if somebody calls you fat.  Thus, there must be at least some truth to what Im saying.  That is why you get so riled.  </span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Also, I have yet to make a seriously dersivie personal remark, while you and V are going to town.  But for some reason I am the "as---e"...</span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Go ahead, implement the ban.  Cant wait for you to prove me right.  PS: Ive copied this post, so I can re-post in case of delete. </span>

  66. Ahhh, now we get to it.  White people suck.  A familiar and boring refrain.

    Nonethelss, Im not jewish.  So I dont have a "natural inclination", per se.  FYI, there are plenty of white people who hate jews. 

    Israel presents a beacon of democracy, propserity and relative modernity in a place where there aint much of that going around.  Even the wealthiest arab countries are fairly f---ed up, in my opinion.  Israel, like the US, aint perfect, but it does more things right than most.  

    Yea sure, I do have preference for "my camp".  And you dont yours?  Please. 

  67. Real Americans do not equal dead presidents.  Get a clue, man.

    Read some Ayn Rand Anand.  That thing about all men being created equal: its a big lie :)   :)  

  68. "That thing about all men being created equal: its a big lie" fleming

    We already know that you think you are privilged and better, especially when it comes to other races.

  69. Ahhh, now we get to it.  White people suck.
    You see there's your problem...You have a comprehension problem border line lobotomy material!! And that why it's impossible to have a conversation with you...Where on frigging earth did I say that white people suck..? My problem is with those who came, invaded and settled and expulsed the indigenous, moron!! They could be  green, yellow or white it makes no difference..

  70. Here's the game: You post and I delete...Until you accept defeat and move on!

  71. Lest we all forget, the Vietnam War represented a mass slaughter by the United States government on a scale to rival the genocide of the Native Americans. The US armed forces killed more than two million civilians in Vietnam and perhaps another million in Laos and Cambodia. The Vietnamese had done nothing to the United States. They had not bomed or invaded or even sought to kill a single American. President Johnson and the Pentagon lied to Congress in order to get the war in full gear. The US dropped more tons of bombs on Vietnam, during the nine years of the war,  than the Allied powers dropped during all of World War II. In addition, 18 million gallons of poisonous chemicals were dropped on Vietnamese villages and rice fields. The number of injured, wounded, and severely deformed Vietnamese, has never been counted because it's just too huge for anyone to calculate, let alone comprehend. And yet, the war was won by the Vietnamese. They never gave up. 

     During the Christmas of 1972, though the US was only a month away from calling it quits, President Nixon ordered the carpet-bombing of the civilian population of Hanoi and Haiphong. Two thousand combat sorties dropped 20,000 tons of bombs in a final burst of anger for having been beaten bay a nation of peasants who didn't posses a single attack helicopter or bomber plane during the enire war.

  72. Why did you conveniently ignore the U.S. connection to Bin Laden and Al Qaeda as a proxy to do our dirty work, which I pointed out to you yesterday anand?

  73. <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">Lest we forget, the Vietnam War represented a mass slaughter by the United States government on a scale to rival the genocide of the Native Americans. The US armed forces killed more than two million civilians in Vietnam and perhaps another million in Laos and Cambodia. The Vietnamese had done nothing to the United States. They had not bombed or invaded or even sought to kill a single American. President Johnson and the Pentagon lied to Congress in order to get the war in full gear. The US dropped more tons of bombs on Vietnam, during the nine years of the war, than the Allied powers dropped during all of World War II. In addition, 18 million gallons of poisonous chemicals were dropped on Vietnamese villages and rice fields. The number of injured, wounded, and severely deformed Vietnamese has never been counted because it's just too huge for anyone to calculate, let alone comprehend. And yet, the war was won by the Vietnamese. They never gave up.</span>
    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">During the Christmas of 1972, though the US was only a month away from calling it quits, President Nixon ordered the carpet-bombing of the civilian population of Hanoi and Haiphong. Two thousand combat sorties dropped 20,000 tons of bombs in a final burst of anger for having been beaten bay a nation of peasants who didn't posses a single attack helicopter or bomber plane during the entire war.</span>

  74. <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">Lest we forget, the Vietnam War represented a mass slaughter by the United States government on a scale to rival the genocide of the Native Americans. The US armed forces killed more than two million civilians in Vietnam and perhaps another million in Laos and Cambodia. The Vietnamese had done nothing to the United States. They had not bombed or invaded or even sought to kill a single American. President Johnson and the Pentagon lied to Congress in order to get the war in full gear. The US dropped more tons of bombs on Vietnam, during the nine years of the war, than the Allied powers dropped during all of World War II. In addition, 18 million gallons of poisonous chemicals were dropped on Vietnamese villages and rice fields. The number of injured, wounded, and severely deformed Vietnamese has never been counted because it's just too huge for anyone to calculate, let alone comprehend. And yet, the Vietnamese won the war. They never gave up.   
    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">During the Christmas of 1972, though the US was only a month away from calling it quits, President Nixon ordered the carpet-bombing of the civilian population of Hanoi and Haiphong. Two thousand combat sorties dropped 20,000 tons of bombs in a final burst of anger for having been beaten bay a nation of peasants who didn't posses a single attack helicopter or bomber plane during the entire war.</span>

  75. <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">Lest we forget, the Vietnam War represented a mass slaughter by the United States government on a scale to rival the genocide of the Native Americans. The US armed forces killed more than two million civilians in Vietnam and perhaps another million in Laos and Cambodia. The Vietnamese had done nothing to the United States. They had not bombed or invaded or even sought to kill a single American. President Johnson and the Pentagon lied to Congress in order to get the war in full gear. The US dropped more tons of bombs on Vietnam, during the nine years of the war, than the Allied powers dropped during all of World War II. In addition, 18 million gallons of poisonous chemicals were dropped on Vietnamese villages and rice fields. The number of injured, wounded, and severely deformed Vietnamese has never been counted because it's just too huge for anyone to calculate, let alone comprehend. And yet, the war was won by the Vietnamese. They never gave up.</span>
    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"> 
    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; text-underline: none;">During the Christmas of 1972, though the US was only a month away from calling it quits, President Nixon ordered the carpet-bombing of the civilian population of Hanoi and Haiphong. Two thousand combat sorties dropped 20,000 tons of bombs in a final burst of anger for having been beaten by a nation of peasants who didn't posses a single attack helicopter or bomber plane during the entire war.</span>

  76. And than we got Iraq, what did the Iraqi peoplw do to the U.S. to get killed? What did the Palestinian people do to the U.S. to get killed by the occupying proxy Zionist state?

  77. <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; mso-bidi- text-underline: none;">Lest we forget, the Vietnam War represented a mass slaughter by the United States government on a scale to rival the genocide of the Native Americans. The US armed forces killed more than two million civilians in Vietnam and perhaps another million in Laos and Cambodia. The Vietnamese had done nothing to the United States. They had not bombed or invaded or even sought to kill a single American. President Johnson and the Pentagon lied to Congress in order to get the war in full gear. The US dropped more tons of bombs on Vietnam, during the nine years of the war, than the Allied powers dropped during all of World War II. In addition, 18 million gallons of poisonous chemicals were dropped on Vietnamese villages and rice fields. The number of injured, wounded, and severely deformed Vietnamese has never been counted because it's just too huge for anyone to calculate, let alone comprehend. And yet, the Vietnamese won the war. They never gave up. </span>
    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"> 
    <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; mso-bidi- text-underline: none;">During the Christmas of 1972, though the US was only a month away from calling it quits, President Nixon ordered the carpet-bombing of the civilian population of Hanoi and Haiphong. Two thousand combat sorties dropped 20,000 tons of bombs in a final burst of anger for having been beaten by a nation of peasants who didn't posses a single attack helicopter or bomber plane during the entire war.</span>

  78. The Palestinian leaders may be in a state of division at this time, thanks to the corruption of some of them  that have been bribed and bought out by the Zionists, but the people will never give up their rights to self determination:

    The following was written by an uncorrupted, genuine Palestinian for Palestine:

    <p>Everything For Palestine
    <p>By Salim Nazzal

  79. <span style="">Well jeez tgia.  So now, in addition to deleting my posts, you're resorting to insulting people with Down's syndrome? <span style="mso-no-proof: yes;"></span></span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Why not go ahead and ban me again? That is your modus operandi: Insult, delete and then censure.  </span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">The truth is, if what I am saying was so stupid, or so naieve, it wouldnt bother you.   If you are not fat, you dont care if somebody calls you fat.  Thus, there must be at least some truth to what Im saying.  That is why you get so riled.  </span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Also, I have yet to make a seriously dersivie personal remark, while you and V are going to town.  But for some reason I am the "as---e"...</span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Go ahead, implement the ban.  Cant wait for you to prove me right.  PS: Ive copied this post, so I can re-post in case of delete. </span>
    <p style="margin: 0in 0in 10pt;"><span style=" font-family: Calibri;"> </span>

  80. EXACTLY my point rs.  Ive visited Vietnam.  Its still a VERY third world country. They lost the bigger wsar.

  81. <p style="margin: 0cm 0cm 0pt; direction: ltr; unicode-bidi: embed; text-align: left;"><span style=" color: #404040; font-family: Verdana; text-decoration: none; mso-bidi- text-underline: none;">Sorry for deleting my comment to make a few corrections.</span>

  82. "what did the Iraqi people do to the U.S. to get killed?"

    Nothing, that's why they won't give up.

  83. No nation has the right to occupy another.

  84. Heartland America despises intellectuals with their highfalutin' ways and that's why they vote for plainspoken men like George Bush or Ronald Reagan -- each of whom, once elected, did his level best to shower the nation's corporate elite with policy gifts.

  85. Listen fleming, putz, it is not merely that they were killed by the millions, it was the aftermath. The destruction of VietNam was not enough, because they had the temerity to resist, they were sanction for the good ol' boys club.  They were not lifted till Clinton did so.

  86. Listen fleming, putz, it is not merely that they were killed by the millions, it was the aftermath. The destruction of VietNam was not enough, because they had the temerity to resist, they were sanctioned from the good ol' boys club.  The sanctions were not lifted till Clinton. Want an elaboration travel boy, I have been there also, but not to the tourist traps (in fact, I have taken the historical world tour of death and destruction).

  87. r.s. there is so much factually incorrect in your speal, that it is breathtaking. Go the Westminster, Orange County, California, and ask Vietnamese Americans (there are probably over a million of them) for the truth.

    Do you realize that the battle of Khe San  in 1967-68 on the South Vietnamese/North Vietnamese border was one of the biggest battles of all time? Do you realize that the North Vietnamese had better quality equipment than the US Marines and South Vietnamese Rangers they fought against? For one thing, North Vietnamese artillery was much better quality than anything the US had at the time.

    North Vietnam also had one of the best air forces in the world, even though a lot of their pilots and ground commanders were Chinese and Soviet. Unfortunately, the Vietnam war bankrupted the Chinese and Soviet people, causing mass poverty and suffering in both countries.

  88. what does that mean?

    The Iraqis have an awesome army. Go Iraq!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  89. anand
    <span style="">what does that mean? </span>
    Just answer the question imbecile , it's clear enough what it means.

  90. Marion, Al Qaeda might be trying to make a seperate peace with America; enabling Al Qaeda to focus on attacking other countries. See the comment about Al Qaeda now trying to attack China (they use to focus a lot against China in the 1990s.) I am with China all the way, just to be clear.

  91. <span style="">Repost #4 (hilarious!)</span>

    <span style="">Well jeez tgia.  So now, in addition to deleting my posts, you're resorting to insulting people with Down's syndrome? <span style="mso-no-proof: yes;"></span>


    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Why not go ahead and ban me again? That is your modus operandi: Insult, delete and then censure.  </span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">The truth is, if what I am saying was so stupid, or so naieve, it wouldnt bother you.   If you are not fat, you dont care if somebody calls you fat.  Thus, there must be at least some truth to what Im saying.  That is why you get so riled.  </span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Also, I have yet to make a seriously dersivie personal remark, while you and V are going to town.  But for some reason I am the "as---e"...</span>
    <span style=""> </span>
    <span style="">Go ahead, implement the ban.  Cant wait for you to prove me right.  PS: Ive copied this post, so I can re-post in case of delete. </span>

  92. Man, tgia gets so worked up.  Its like he hates hearing the truth from me.  Cause, I mean, we know if I was posting pure nonsense, he could easily ignore it.  Guess what Im saying is really hitting home.  Gosh, tgia, dont kill the messenger! :)  

  93. That's because you're stupid.
