Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vote With Your Feet: Olbermann Calls for Boycott of Businesses Displaying Fox News

"So, what to do? Viewer boycotts mean little. You are already here. You are not watching Fox News channel. Advertiser boycotts are of limited value, most make barely a dent in a company. Besides which, in this economy, an advertiser who found its sales boosted by association with malaria would start breeding mosquitoes.

If there is a solution, it is perhaps an indirect boycott. It is probably your experience, as it has been mine that stores, bars, restaurants, waiting rooms, often show Fox News on their televisions. Don't write a letter. Don't make a threat. Just get up and explain if they will not change the channel, leave the place and say calmly why it is you are taking your business elsewhere."


  1. That is a very good idea as how to effectively force a boycott on Fox News channel!
    Actually I have noticed that a lot of places do tend to put Fox News channel on their public television sets and I have made comments to those I have been with about it. But I never thought about complaining to the management or walking out because of it. Now that what I can do about it has been brought to my attention, I will be more responsible...

  2. That blowhard Olbermann is just scared of the competition. He's obsessed with Bill O'Reilly and the other commentators there.This "boycott" has nothing to do with moral principles (Olbermann has none).
    The best thing to do is ignore Fox News, which is what I do, or laugh hysterically at it when it's on. I live in a Republican county and it's on EVERYWHERE I go in public, so my response is to hoot derisively at every stupid, fatuous comment the bobbleheads on it make.  When someone mentions "I saw bla-bla-bla on Fox News," I chortle and say "Oh, did they mention the alien invasion too?" or something to that effect.
    Give them no legitimacy. As for boycotts, there are better targets for that kind of concerted action -- not Keith Olbermann's ego.

  3. The best way to approach this is to complain to your cable company that you do not want Fox in your mix of channels. If enough people do this, and it is dropped, it can have a significant effect.

  4. What is the big difference between Fox, MSNBC, CNN or BBC?'
    I like Shepard Smith from Fox.

  5. What is the big difference between Fox, MSNBC, CNN or BBC?' 
    I like Shepard Smith from Fox.

  6. hello  :-D
    the blog is so much calmer now...aaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!
    i think i'll set ground and post, more seriously.

  7. Anand, you can't tell any big difference between Keith Olberman/Rachel Maddow and Bill O'Reilly/Rush Limbaugh?
    Is that actually what you are saying? :-D
    Priceless!  There is another classic for your "Anand File" TGIA.

    "Give them no legitimacy. As for boycotts, there are better targets for that kind of concerted action -- not Keith Olbermann's ego."
    I agree. Olberman is a jerk.

  9. thankgodimatheistJune 9, 2009 at 5:33 PM

    Look I don't live in the US so I don't know MSNBC but I'm familiar with Fox, BBC and CNN. So you don't see big difference between say,  the BBC and Fox?!!!!

  10. thankgodimatheistJune 9, 2009 at 5:34 PM

    Do you know who the owner of Fox anand?
    Rupert Murdoch!!! Enough said!!

  11. thankgodimatheistJune 9, 2009 at 5:35 PM

    Do you know who the owner of Fox is, anand? 
    Rupert Murdoch!!!..... Enough said!!

  12. Anand, also does not know this -

  13. TGIA, so what? NewsCorps owns MySpace too. The number 2 executive at NewsCorps is a hardcore democrat.
    MSNBC, Fox and CNN are all ratings driven entertainment gossip channels. They want to make money. None of them are ideology driven.
    Keith Olberman, Rachel Maddow and Bill O'Reilly are similar in many ways. They all like Obama. However, I don't know if Keith and Rachel support sanctions on poor countries the way Amy Goodman, O'Reilly, Anne Coulter, Lou Dobbs and Jesse Jackson do.
    If Keith and Rachel are more free market and O'Reilly, all power to them.
    I don't like the way Olberman and O'Reilly shoot personal insults at each other, usually for no reason except male ego driven machismo.
    I use to like Rush better back in the late 1980s. He use to be funny, charismatic, and a clear headed innovative thinker. In other words, Rush use to be a lot like Obama. However, Rush seems to have lost a lot of his magic. I don't understand why Rush bashes Colin Powell and Obama.

  14. Jeebus, praising Rush and comparing him to Obama? What planet are you posting from, anand?(And what do you think caused the loss of Rush's magic, was it his sex trips to underage brothels or his drug addiction?)
    The only thing Rush and Obama have in common is, they both love Republicans.
    And if you honestly can't tell the difference among all those news outlets, I don't even know what to say.
    Amy Goodman on Democracy Now is probably the best moderator/interviewer out there. It's unfortunate that she doesn't reach a wider audience, and that she probably has to suffer reading gibberish posted by her viewers of the anand subspecies.
