Monday, June 22, 2009

--Iran protests: an eyewitness account


  1. There is an interesting post at Moon (The comments thread is long, but has some good stuff - the opinions are varied).

  2. A political party affiliated with Akbar Hashemi-Rafsanjani, the former president and key member of the Iranian regime, on Sunday called on Mir-Hossein Moussavi, the opposition leader, to form a “political bloc” that would pursue a long-term campaign to undermine the “illegitimate” government. Hossein Marashi, spokesman for the Kargozaran, stayed clear of directly challenging the supreme leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, but told the Financial Times in a telephone interview that Mr Moussavi was now the leader of an opposition that was not without options.

  3. "My own personal hope for the country is that Iran one day be allowed to govern itself without outside interference. I thought that day was here, but I guess not...All I want is for the people of Iran to be able to choose whether or not they want a revolution, not to have one foisted upon them. If the Iranian people truly want a revolution, then by all means, they should go out and protest and try to overthrow the government.

    Then again, if the Iranian people truly wanted a revolution, the protesters would not need to be begging for help from people in foreign countries."

    Interesting comment on Moon.

  4. <h3 class="post-title entry-title">"Washington Post on one suicide bombing</h3>
    <div class="post-body entry-content">""In an act fraught with symbolic significance, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the mausoleum of the father of Iran's Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, while unrest continued across Tehran in defiance of a ban on demonstrations."" I wonder if Palestinian bombings were ever described as "fraught with symbolic significance." (thanks Nardine)</div>

    <span> Posted by <span>As'ad</span> </span> <span> at <abbr class="published" title="2009-06-22T04:57:00-07:00">4:57 AM"</abbr></span>


  5. "In an act fraught with symbolic significance, a suicide bomber blew himself up at the mausoleum of the father of Iran's Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, while unrest continued across Tehran in defiance of a ban on demonstrations."" I wonder if Palestinian bombings were ever described as "fraught with symbolic significance." (thanks Nardine)

    exactly, post by As'ad on Angry Aran News Service
