Friday, June 4, 2010

Follow the tweets (avinunu is Ali Abunimah)

  1. RT@avinunu:@IDFSpokesperson Collective punishment is a war crime.All Israeli military personnel who participate in such war crimes R liable.
  2. RT @avinunu: @IDFSpokesperson yr blockade is illegal collective punishment; violates yr obligations under 4th Geneva Convention
  3. RT @IDFSpokesperson: Update: Rachel Corrie now ~40 miles from shore, IDF made initial request for ID, ship not boarded
  4. RT @freegazaorg: Al Jazeera reports Navy insists they go 2 Ashdod. Passengers say 'no'. Navy says they will drag boat 2 Ashdod. Not possible
  5. RT @avinunu: @IDFSpokesperson What if it refuses your "invitation"? Will you use force?
  6. RT @avinunu: @IDFSpokesperson Do Israeli forces intend 2 board the ship? RT @IDFSpokesperson: IDF will enforce maritime closure.
  7. RT @rcfoundation: @IDFSpokesperson Let the MV #RachelCorrie through! Please RT #flotilla
  8. RT @bencnn: in #gaza port: israeli naval activity IS more intense than usual in anticipation of #rachelcorrie
  9. RT @IDFSpokesperson: IDF ship has not yet issued warning to Rachel Corrie, initial identification request only, ship not boarded
  10. RT @avinunu: .@AJArabic correspondent in Gaza saying no contact with Rachel Corrie. No unusual movement of Israel navy visible from shore.
  11. RT @jvplive: Phone ringing, no answer. But #Rachel Corrie is speeding towards Gaza.#flotilla
  12. RT @IDFSpokesperson: IDF ship has made initial contact with Rachel Corrie requesting they identify themselves - customary naval protocol
  13. RT @mparent77772: CNN's Ben Wedeman (@bencnn) is watching for 'Rachel Corrie' from #Gaza port. #flotilla
  14. RT @jmalsin: It's either PR nightmare for Israel, or it's a triumph for efforts to break the siege. #rachelcorrie #flotilla

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