Thursday, June 3, 2010

Blinding the witnesses

by Naomi Klein
There is something way too literal about Israel shooting out the eye of a witness to its crimes.
This photograph of Emily Henochowicz's bandaged face needs to be seen by the world.
emily 1
Visiting Emily's homepage, I was struck that eyeballs are a recurring theme in her work. Not surprising, I suppose, for a visual artist. But an eyeball was how she chose to present herself to the world.eye


  1. Somehow , I don't think it's a coincidence.

  2. <span>Visiting Emily's homepage,I was struck by this comment: 
    <span>Shon And Sedona said... 

    Nothing like a tear gas can to the head lol. I see your face book page claimed you were from Ramallah, not NY? Do America a favor and stay in Ramallah as we have reached our quota on stupid people and don’t need you back here.<span></span> 

  3. thankgodimatheistJune 3, 2010 at 7:39 PM

    <span>I saw that posted in a comment Mondoweiss. Repulsive. One guy found those people's google account and the blogs they own. Not into I/P issue at all! More like the fleming prick. American "patriots" for whom Obama is a communist and a terrorist!..</span>
